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Authors notes: there is little to no punctuation in this chapter or the next I will fix that when I'm completely finished with the book I have read both chapters to find any spelling mistakes and to make sure everything sounds ok and makes since if you find something that is wrong please comment down below or message me thank you


Daniels POV

18 years ago

" That's just great! Just great!" I say to my mate Kesley

" I'm not happy about it either!" She yelled back she was beyond furious "Do you think I want to have this baby I don't I wish it wasn't inside of me we already had four miscarriages if this baby survives not only us but our rouge kingdom is dead" she says as she continues to yell about not wanting the baby

There have been stories about people who have had four miscarriages and their fifth baby was born a girl so this could be a false alarm if it's a girl that means it's not the prophecy but if it's a boy that means it is taking a deep breath I turn and look at Kesley she looked nervous there is sweat coating her forehead and she was taking deep breaths trying to calm down

" There still might be hope" I say snapping her out of her thoughts " If it's born a girl that means it's not the prophecy but if it's a boy that means it is" I say explaining myself 

"All we have to to do is wait" she closes her eyes for a moment and then she opens them and starts to look at me

" Are you crazy like really I don't want to take any chances Daniel I want this thing gone if you want to hold on to what ever chance of hope you have that's fine but you can go and reject me and have a pup with someone else I'm broken we can't try anymore and I told you that but look where we are our lives and the rouge kingdom is going to be destroyed!" She said screaming at the top of her lungs as she stormed off going into our room and slamming the door

Sighing I start to rub my temples is it to much for me to want a kid I mean that's all I'm asking for I start to walk to mine and Kesley's room and notice all my pillows and a blanket laying in the hallway I walk over to the door and don't hesitate to knock on it

"Kesley are you ok" I ask hoping for a answer using my werewolf hearing I hear shuffling and what sounds like crying

"What do you want " the sound of her voice is enough to make me want to break down and apologize for everything I did for everything I said for all my actions the day before

"I'm sorry can you please forgive me please I'm begging you "

"I'll forgive you eventually but for now your sleeping on the couch"

Before I could get another word out I hear her footsteps walking away this is just great why do I always have to mess everything up

Dragging my blanket and pillows I manage to drag myself to the couch sighing once again I quickly make my bed on the couch as soon as I get settled I hear footsteps

"You managed to piss her off again" I hear Derek the alpha say

Taking a deep breath and after what feels like a few minutes I finally respond

" Yeah"

" What did you do" he said looking concerned but amusement clear in his eyes

" Well Kesley is pregnant again which means everything that we have created will possibly go down the drain but as beta I need a son to carry on being the beta after I'm gone" I quickly say studying him he seems to be thinking about all the information I just gave him and in that moment his whole demeanor changed

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