Chapter 3 Its now or never

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Pic of Breanna at the top

Authors note: I have had some people message me about the mind link, people talking, as well the characters wolfs talking so I'm going to explain it

' Hey ' = this means mind link

" Hey " = people talking also know if the characters wolf takes over and starts talking it will look like this as well

" Hey " = the wolf talking to its character and the character taking back. For example if Breannas wolf talks to her and when Breanna talks back it will look like this

I hope that helped you guys


Travis POV

I slowly start to wake up due to the excruciating pain that was coming from my back, my shoulder, and my ribs. Looking around I notice I'm not in the basement but instead I find myself on the forest floor. I carefully sit up as I try to remember what happened, that's when it all came back to me. Me finding the letter, Breanna taking me to the wishing well, and then the rouge taking Breanna away. I quickly jump up which I then realized was a bad decision since my back started hurting.

" You do realize we won't be able to shift " my wolf Trey said

" Of course I know that " I reply rudely as I blocked him out

I had bigger issues I had to figure out why they took my friend. I start making my way to the pack house occasionally limping. This sucks not being able to shift.

After what feels like hours I finally make it I quickly run through the pack house and run into Alpha James's office. Not caring that I'm not suppose to talk to anyone out loud but the omegas. I finally decide to use my voice.

" Alpha James the rouges took Breanna! " I say trying not to be scared but deep down my wolf was the opposite he was pissed

I look at the Alpha and see that he isn't mad which confuses me

" What do you mean rouges took her " he says looking deep into my eyes with a concerned look on his face

"We went to the wishing well that was apart of her old packs territory and on the way back I got a strange feeling well when I turned around I noticed there was a rouge" I said explaining myself

He just nods and stands up looking out his huge office window

"If this is true then we need to make a plan and fast. Jeffery I want you to call a pack meeting with the warriors and the strongest pack members" he says as he informs Jeffery the packs beta

" Right on it Alpha we can have the pack meeting here in a few minutes if you want" Jeffery says with a nervous look on his face

I'm beginning to believe there is something more than just an issue with rouges. I feel like there not telling me everything.

" Thats fine " Alpha James says as Jeffery the beta leaves the room


A few minutes later I find myself in the conference room where all the meetings are held, but for some reason I don't understand why I'm still here. Breanna is my friend, but isn't it like everyone else's job to make sure she comes home safe. A bunch of yells snap me out of my thoughts.

" What do you mean rouge attack we hardly ever have those! " Sydney one of the packs strongest females screams

" I don't know either but they have been spotted along our borders, and not only that but they have taken one of our pack members." Jeffery says as calmly as he can but I can tell it's eating away at him

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