Chapter 1: Who am I

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Travis POV






That's all I felt all I saw. You see I'm apart of the Red Star Pack but the thing is I'm an omega. I just thought today would be different considering it's my 18th birthday not only do I get to find my mate but I also get to shift.

Sighing I look out the basement window thinking about all the things that could be different in my life. You see I wasn't always an omega my parents Luna Amanda and alpha James decided to make me an omega after they realized having a kid means work it means taking care of them. I hear the basement door open but I don't move.

"Get up you unwanted muted mutt" my older brother Adam said

I quickly stand up but for some reason I wasn't scared or nervous I was calm the feeling felt weird he then motioned me to follow him and I did we walked up the stairs and into the kitchen looking around I notice the pack members looked at me with disgust but some were looking at me with happiness I didn't understand why

"Here's some of the left over soup" he said sliding the soup over i just nodded

Its been so weird for the last couple of years I get a beating every few months but for some reason they treat me better than the other omegas I just don't understand it the only thing is I can't talk or communicate to anyone inside or outside of the pack which is normal for all the omegas

I quickly eat the soup and walk back to the basement once in the basement I run over to the back wall and move my bed I then climb out through the hole in the wall you see no one knows about the hole in the wall but me the other omegas showed it to me when I was brought to the basement for the first time

Finally making it outside I look around taking in my surroundings I notice the moon is almost full meaning in a few hours I will begin shifting

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I feel worry consume my body I worry about my mate I worry about my wolf I know if I do find my mate he will have to get use to my life for a while you see this Pack has been cursed anyone who is apart of the pack can't get out but for some reason I feel like they would let me leave

Sighing I start to go on my usual walk but before I could take my first step
I feel the worst pain I have ever felt in my life I bite my lip super hard that the metallic taste of blood fills my mouth I know what is happening I'm shifting

Then it hits me I'm shifting alone before I could do anything I feel my bones snap into place I then start to scream this scream that I have never heard before as my spine finally snaps into place after what feel like eternity I'm finally able to stand up I find a piece of a broken mirror and I look at my self for some reason my fur is light blue almost a green why am I such an unusual color. All of a sudden I'm brought back to reality by a voice.

" Hello "a strange voice says in my head

" Who are you " I reply back my senses on alert but for some reason I'm calm like my body knows who it is

" It's me Trey your wolf silly "he says running in circles in my mind as I start to bark

" You want to go for a run" I ask while also making a mental note to ask mom and dad why my wolf is a light blue almost a green color

He just nods in my mind I being to run through the woods

It feels great feeling the leaves and the ground under my paws hearing the birds chirp as well as the wind going through my fur why can't my life be as calming as running

I begin to walk to the lake thats not far from the pack house but still in the packs territory I lay down and just listen to everything I lay my wolfy head down and slowly fall asleep


A few hours later

I wake up and notice it's dark I guess I better get back I quickly run to the pack house once I get there I climb through the hole in the wall and climb into the room

"So you have been out and I notice you have shifted you smell like a wolf" James my dad says I just nod since I'm not aloud to talk I haven't talked since I was eight years old due to the fact from the time I was born until I was eight my life wasn't perfect in fact I wasn't apart of this pack but you see that's the thing no one is going to know what happened in that time span and I plan on keeping it that way

I look around and notice a piece of paper and a pen I grab it and I begin to write

" Why is my fur a light blue almost green color "

I turn the paper around so he could see what I wrote after reading it his demeanor changed he started mumbling incoherent words and something about a prophecy

He looked scared but serious at the same time like he was arguing with himself about telling me or not finally he gives me an answer

" It's nothing your just unique from everyone else" he says as he walks away leaving me in the cold, moldy basement

" I will tell you what you are eventually " Sky my wolf says popping into my head

"Why can't you tell me now I need answers this has never happened before" I try to reason with him but it clearly doesn't work he doesn't budge

" All in good time trust me I'm your wolf " he reply's before blocking me out something tells me my wolf and I are going to have a strange relationship and I can't understand why

I walk over to my bed and sit down when all of a sudden I'm tackled

"You finally shifted" Breanna one of the other omegas says

Smiling I look at her

"Yeah I did" I say

She stops and looks at me and then her face lights up

"Did you find your mate"

Taking a deep breath I look anywhere but at her

"Hey it's ok you will find him or her eventually give it some time your mate might not be from this pack" she says and I just nod in agreement taking in every word she just said if my mate isn't from this pack and I can't leave because of the curse then how am I going to find him or her but I have bigger things to worry about I have to find out who I am first

I turn and look at Breanna "Do you know why my wolf is light blue?"

She just shrugs her shoulders becoming really quiet and mumbling something about a prophecy and that I don't know who I am wait a minute

"What prophecy!" I boom wait where did this power come from I never yelled that loud before I stand up and start to pace "I'm sorry I yelled I didn't mean to" I turn and look at her she just nodded "It's fine we just can't tell you right now." She says I just nod

She walks up to me and hugs me "I have to go I'll talk to you tomorrow"

"Yeah definitely"

After she leaves I walk over to my bed and lay down I close my eyes and let sleep take over my body but one thought still seems to stay with me

'Who am I'

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