Chapter 1: Strange Voices

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A/N: Trigger warning: Self-harm|Abuse

*King P.O.V*


"N-no...please stop! I'm not like t-that!"

No matter how hard I try, the voices didn't seem to want to leave me alone. It had only been a few days before this one when I began hearing strange voices inside my head and ever since, they wouldn't stop pestering me causing  me to enter an "emotionless" state whenever I was around the other sins.
At this point in time, I'm  on the verge of loosing it; the voices have gone on long enough.


I dash towards my cabinet and flung the doors open, frantically scrambling trying to find my sharp tool.


Tears began forming in my eyes as soon as I set eyes on the blade, it still had the dried up blood on it from the last time I used it but at this point I didn't care. I hesitantly grabbed the blade and made a slicing motion, forcing a huge gash to appear in his arm, I scream as it gets deeper.

*End P.O.V*

It go to the point where his fragile self couldn't handle it and collapsed. Now on the floor, blooding spilling out of my arm, King lay unconscious.

*Ban P.O.V*

We heard a thud coming from mine and King's bedroom.

Ban: "What on Earth is he doing?" I mumble.

Meliodas: "I don't know, maybe you should go check on him, Ban."

Ban: "Yeah, yeah, alright..."

Tired AF, I slump up the stairs towards our room and press against the door handle, what I found next was indescribable.

"KING?!" I yell in utter shock

I dash towards him and glare at his arms.
"He couldn't have been...Could he?"

Afraid of hurting the small fairy even more, I gently pull out the metal blade forcing a large gasp from King which also managed to wake him up.
He breathes heavily and then looks up at me with a sunken expression before he flings himself towards me and hugs my chest. I blush at the sudden contact and stroke his head.

"Hey, everything's ok, you're okay."

Instead of calming down he begins to sob and burrows himself deeper into my chest.

"W-what's n-not..."

I pause. I try pull King away from me but the guy has a strong grip and doesn't let go.

"No, please, a little longer"

Without hesitation, I nod in agreement and grab his hands causing a small peep to come out of him. I open his clenched fists and intertwine them with mine. Expecting him to do something, I brace for impact but instead he falls asleep. I smile.
I picked King up,  placed him on my bed and bandaged his arms up. I then take off his hoodie and lay down next to him. I would have a lot to talk about...

Mini Time Skip

*King's Dreaming P.O.V*

I look up at the burgundy red sunset and sigh, I knew that I had broken down in front of Ban and I was afraid to wake up and see his reaction. I could already see it, he would be laughing at me and then tell the whole crew. I would be embarrassed and forced to leave and then to die alone as I froze in the wilderness...
Wait a minute, what am I thinking?! Why would they do that?! They wouldn't, would they?

*End P.O.V*

King sighed and tried to relax for as long as he could before a looming figure crept from across the horizon.

*King P.O.V*

I look up and see Ban making his way towards me. I sit up and wave at him in order to get his attention but he walks past me like I don't exist. I hang my head in hurt until I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I spin around to see who tapped me and saw Ban staring at me.

"B-ban? What's going on?" I blurted out.

I look towards him waiting for an answer but instead get a chilling smile which sent shivers down my spine.

"B-ban? Are you oka-"

Ban dashed towards me and stuck a blade through my stomach, I gagged as I coughed up the blood and spat it out, he then released the blade causing a stream of blood to flow out of me. I fell to the floor and screamed in pain as I heard his final words.

"Goodnight Harlequin~
Sleep tight~"

*Ban P.O.V*

I stare at King as he shifts around in his sleep, it's like he's trying to get away from something or someONE.
I lightly tap his forehead and try wake him up, after all, I can't have the Fairy King getting worked up because of a bad dream.
He isn't waking up, instead he's rapidly shaking and mumbling something.
I gently position my head near his lips and hear him say:

"Ban, please, no- please! Stop! It hurts! Why are you hurting m-"

He then breaks into a series of sobs which set me off.
I begin shaking him slightly and he wakes up.


*King P.O.V*


I can't see, my tears are filling my eyes and everything's blurry. Was it just a dream? Thank goodness! I really thought he-
I pause in thought and wipe my eyes and sigh, I've REALLY had enough of this.
I was about to lay down again when I notice a long, slender figure sat in front of me. I look up and see Ban, worry on his face.

"You okay King?" He asks.

"Y-yeah just a bad dream..."

"You sure? It looked worse than just 'a bad dream'"

"Well, I'm fine now so I don't really need your help!"

"Geez okay then, sorry for trying to help..."

Ban slumps back down in his bed and falls asleep. I proceed to do the same until I notice that I'm not in my hammock. I stare at Ban and notice that he's also looking at me, my face blushes a shade of crimson as I retreat to go lay in my hammock. I get in and face Ban so that I can keep an eye on him. Of course like always he smiles and then winks at me. Still blushing, I hide my face and go to sleep.

"Geez, it's been a long night..."

Hi! So, you've reached the end of the first chapter! I'd love to know if you liked it and if there's anyway to improve my writing so comment below if you have anything to say.
Also, if you want me to continue this story also comment below or ask me on my account page!

Thanks for reading and I hope you stay tuned for more!


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