This book may contain heavy sexual content!
I recommend you not to read this if you're under 18!
I have warned you!
Reading at own risk!
Have fun reading it!
132 in #naughty
×Info: While reading this lemon, listen to House of cards by BTS or Daddy by Sakima×
!!AND!! I'm sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, but english is not my first language!
●Your PoV●
I am a junior high school student. I was looking at a guy standing some metres away from me. It was my crush Namjoon. He is the most popular guy in school and also smart, sporty and good looking. He is one year older than me and one class above me means he is a senior student. I really want to be his girlfriend but he would never date an unpopular girl like me. I looked down at my outfit. I had a blue button shirt tied with a knot, a high rise hot pants and black and white Adidas sneakers. (Picture)
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I'm totally in love with him. I always try to be near him, but everytime I try to speak to him I can't and get very nervous. Namjoon doesn't have a girlfriend which is unusual for the most popular guy in school. But hey, I'm not complaining. Maybe I have a chance, but my hope is very slim...
I sighed and got to my class.
●Namjoons PoV●
I noticed that Y/N was looking at me while I was takling to my friends. As she noticed that I was looking at her she quickly took off. She's cute. I smiled a little. Her outfit was cute. I like her very much, but I don't want to show it, I'm afraid that she might reject me. I said good bye to my friends and got my notebook out and a pen out. I wrote a little note for Y/N.
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I wrote the note, folded it two times and put it in my pocket. The school bell rang and I went inside. As I walked to my class I notcied her locker and waited until she went to her class. When everybody was in class I went up to her locker and slipped the note into her locker.
Then I went to my class.
●Your PoV●
I couldn't concentrate properly because of Namjoon. He looked at me! I blushed as he looked at me. Now that I'm in class I still couldn't believe it. He really looked at me.