Nightfall of sunlit

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Subsequent chains of difficulties and judgement seems like all of our happiness initially replaced with sorrows and misfortune.

In the morning we just woke up looking at the phone waiting, at night, no one felt and looked at the same again. Until the time came, a day full of aching and agony that shinny eyes turns to a falls of dark water.

Do you remember the time you sent me a picture of hurting yourself? It almost kills me inside. You let me feel useless, like I wasn't enough of understanding what we have. I even tried to do it but I do not want to see you having trouble because of me.

How many times you tried to get out of this, and it seems this thing we have will turn to something useless.

"Hold on and let's continue the chapter of our life together" –awful and aching

I do not expect that we have missed all of that, even though the problem solving of this author gets tough, keeps jumping into dangerous and uncertainty of hell books of trigonometry and algebra.

Until where? Until when?

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