I will put it in italic when the author's/I'm speaking/narrating.
Third person P.O.V
The host club just got done with their club activities when Tamaki suggested they play 'Truth Or Dare'
"Truth Or Dare?" Haruhi asked. "Yeah! We don't really do that much stuff with everyone involved at the club room, more exploration than anything." Tamki said very excitedly. "Ohhh, I wanna play but who would go first?" Honey questioned. "I guess we will." The twins said at the same time.
***********with the power of editing they are now sitting all in a circle either on the couch or floor**********
"Ok, now that we're all settled in...Haruhi truth or dare?" Hikaru asked. "Um...I guess dare?" Haruhi sounded so unsure. "Hehehehe, ok then I'll start off easy I dare you to... wear a maid outfit and address everyone as master!" Hikaru exclaimed! "You shady twins! What makes you think I'll let you do that to my precious daughter?!" Tamaki was being overdramatic again.
"Um I would but where would I even get an maid outfit?" Haruhi then regretted asking that question as soon as she said it. Hehehehe Haruhi you should always know the twins have a way to get what they want. This time it was Kaoru's turn to be evil "Dont worry about that, you can just wear one of our mother's designs we personally picked out for you.". Then Haruhi got shoved into the room next door and left to change into the maid outfit.
When she saw the outfit she immediately started to try to open the door and yelled "THERE IS NO WAY IN HECK I AM WEARING THAT! WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE I WILL KILL YOU TO!" Outside of the door where the rest of them were they all had terrified and curious looks.
This is what the outfit looked like (pick either one for Haruhi to wear)...
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"But why we even gave you 2 choices to pick from?!" Hikaru shouted to Haruhi. "THAT DOESN'T MATTER, I'LL STILL KILL YOU WHEN I GET OUT." Haruhi as you can see was still very very angry at them. When she finally calmed down she just picked one to wear since both were easily bad to her.
"Hurry up Haru-chan I want to see how you look!" Honey yelled. "Fine! But don't stare!" Haruhi yelled back. When she walked out they all did the one thing she asked them not to do which was stare. "Wow Haruhi...um I don't know what to say." Kyoya said with the most intelligent words he could think of. The others however were at a complete lost for words, though all and yes I mean all even Haruhi who was in the maid outfit was blushing. <<<<<<<<<<<To Be Continued>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry to leave y'all on a cliffhanger but my fingers are starting to hurt from typing so much (on my phone) so I'll continue next chapter of course. Also what do you think of the first chapter: good, bad, meh/ok, or other/ect. Anyways that's all for now until next chapter Iceydicey678 signing out.