><> Chapter Seventeen <><

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We rowed back slowly. We were rapidly becoming entrenched in darkness but after what I had just seen, it felt like anything in the world was possible. Finding our way back to Starfish in the dark no longer seemed like such a big deal.

"So... do you want to talk about what just happened?" I said, breaking the silence.

"The chaps?" came a casual reply.

I could no longer make out George's face, he was dimming into a silhouette.

"Yes, the chaps!" I exploded. "The ones who were just floating about miles out at sea."

"Well, you know about all that Crystal," said George tiresomely.

"I've heard a story about it," I said.

"Yes, from your friend Rosie."

"She told you!"

"She told me she was going to tell you."

"Oh, well she did," I sighed with exasperation and leaned back against the stern of the boat. "You people tell me all these deep dark secrets, and then you give me rations!"

"Rations?" said George, a twinkle in his eye.

"Rations!" I reiterated in a squeak. "Scraps! I need details!"

"Oh details!" exclaimed George, as though it had never occurred to him. "Well, they belong to a colony, a kingdom. And they've lived out here for many, many, many, many, years."

George rowed as he talked and I could hear that he was getting a little breathless now, but I needed more info.

"A kingdom?" I repeated. "Like with a king and stuff?"

"Well, yes," wheezed George. "It's called the Jewelled Kingdom. It is a place built with gemstones."

George stopped rowing for a moment so he could talk.

 "And there's a palace.  A palace made from amethyst. When the sunlight shines down through the water onto it, well, it is just the most glorious thing in the world."

I fell silent, stunned by the idea of such a place.

"Have you seen it?" I breathed.

George was silent.

"How do you know them?" I pushed.

"Okay, if I tell you a secret, you mustn't tell a soul."

I leaned closer.

"I will not tell a soul," I vowed. "But remember, if you tell me a secret I want details."

George sighed.

"Okay I'll do my best," he said.

"Deal," I agreed. "Okay, how do you know them?"

"I'm..." George stopped.

"Yessss?" I pressed. He was not getting off the hook with this one.

"I'm one of them," said George.

A Thousand Salt Kisses (Book 1 of Salt Kiss series)Where stories live. Discover now