Chapter 1

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Natsuki POV:

I slowly opened the cracked and rusted door to my house. The strong smell of beer filled my nose quicky. My eyes stung and filled with small drops of tears from the wretched smell. My dad was passed out on the couch. I sighed and quietly walked passed the broken T.V. and passed out Dad to the kitchen. My stomach growled at me. 'Ugh, when's the last time I ate?' I thought to myself. I opened the fridge. I grumbled to myself as I looked at some empty bar food to go boxes and empty, half empty and full bottles of beer and whiskey. I sighed. I could feel myself getting light headed by the second. I then passed back threw the sleeping Dad and dashed up the stairs to my room. I was so light that I barely made a sound.

I jumped on my bed feeling so light headed I could easily pass out right now. I grabbed my phone and looked at a text message. It was from my group chat of the literature club. I had just joined the literature club not long ago. I was the forth person to join, making it a official club. The president, Monika and vice president, Sayori are always so bubbly. Which is why my phone is always so blown up with their texts. While Yuri on the other hand. Well, she's quiet, smart, and well reads quiet to much of the same kind of stuff. Lots of horror I'd say.

I grabbed my phone.

Sayori- Hey guys! :3

Monika- Heyyyyyy

Sayori- What's up Moni?

Monika- The sky :)

Sayori- Of course ;D

I place my phone back down. Typical Sayori and Monika.

I hopped out of bed and to the bathroom with a change of clothes.

Once I got into the bathroom I shut and locked the door. I took off my school uniform. I cringed at the bruises on my body. There was on real nasty one on the side of my ribs where my dad stomped on me.

I slipped into a white shirt with pick lining and a grumpy looking pick cat head on the top corner. I also had a pick skirt on. I smiled at myself then exited the bathroom.

I walked back to my room and closed the door behind me. I plopped on my bed. I buried myself into my blanket and closed my eyes softly.

The Next Morning:

I fluttered my eyes open. I sighed. I sat up on my bed. I threw the blanket beside me and jumped from my bed. I yawned and stood there for a while. I wiped my eyes and hastily grabbed my school uniform.

I walked slowly to the bathroom. I stepped in and closed and locked the door.

I changed into my school uniform and just looked at myself. I felt guilty. 'It's all my fault' I told myself. I frowned at my self. I walked out the bathroom and threw my other clothes in my room's bed. I went to my bag and grabbed my bag. I trotted downstairs in hopes my father would be asleep. Luckily he was. I slipped past him and to the front door. I walked out.

And so I made my way to school. I trotted down the sidewalk.

"Natsuki! Natsukiiiiii!!!!"

I heard a familiar voice.


I stopped and turned around. There was Sayori running after me as if someone was trying to kill her.

Sayori caught up to me and stopped to catch her breath.

"I almost overslept!" she yelped.

"Yeah, I know," I said.

"Ehehe, you know me too well!" Sayori happily responded.

Sayori always overslept. It was just her. It started happening around highschool.

"Wait, don't you walk to school with MC?" I asked.

"He said he was sick today," Sayori sadly said.

"Ah, I see," I looked away.

"You don't seem like yourself. Are you okay?" Sayori asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit- I'm fine..." I was so tired that I was now just mindlessly answering Sayori.

"Well, okay!" Sayori said.

We didn't say anything more. We just walked side by side in silence.

We made are way to school. Sayori ran off to her first class as I did the same.

I walked into my first class just before the bell rang. I sat down at a open desk at the back of the classroom. It was nice to go into the back. I could space out or read some manga without the teachers knowing.

I already was spacing out as the teacher was talking about Japan history. I was thinking about the club. I couldn't wait for it. It's my happy safe place. That's what I call it. I extra hour away from Papa. It was heaven. Suddenly I felt a burning glare on my. I turned my gaze. I looked around me. Yuri was staring into my soul it felt like.

She was also on my first class. At least I had a friend in my classes. It was always nice. Though, this was the only one.

I looked at the teacher who was answering questions. I sighed. I just want to read some manga.


I jumped at the sound of the bell ringing.

"A-ah!" I heard Yuri squeak to the bell.

I blushed. Why was her voice so cute?

I told myself to shut up and go to my next class. I grabbed my bag and swung it around myself. I exited the classroom.

~Time skip to lunch~

I left my last class and headed to lunch. I entered the lunch room and looked around. Everyone was in their Friend groups. I sighed and walked over to a empty table in the back. I pulled out a manga. I stared reading. Suddenly Yuri sat down across from me. I stuck my head in my manga. My face turned beat red. 'why?' I thought to myself. I put my manga down a bit.

Yuri was looking at me. A slight blush across her face. She pushed her hair out of her face and smiled.

"Hello Natsuki," Yuri spoke.

I jumped at the sound. I didn't think she would talk.

"O-oh hi Yuri," I blushed more and more by the second.

Thankfully the lunch bell rang. I stood up, said goodbye and left.

~Ah! Hello! Thank you for reading this. I hope to add more to this whenever I can. Sorry if this was short or long. I'm new to this.~

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