•Chapter 11•

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You can identify Magda's face already 10 meters away from the towels. Em, who is right next to you, begins to run in her direction and hit her with a hug like a sudden bus rolling into her.
'Em! Here you are!', Magda says really happy.
'Ha my angel! I missed youuuuuuuu! Are you okayyy?', she screams back at her.
The two of them continue their excited conversation as suddenly someone next to your ear whispers to you:
'Magda, i suppose?'
You turn your head and look into Jeongins face. He's smiling and you can see his cute dimples.
Well...i already know Felix is good looking but Jeongin...he is really handsome too...
He has this beautiful brown hair and his eyes...wow
'Y/N? Is everything okay? Do i have something in the face?', he laughs.
'What...oh...no! You look great!'
You blush.
In the corner of your eye you can see that he giggles a bit and blushes too. He gets lost in his own thoughts and you look back at the scenario that is right in front of you.
Em and Magda sat down and are now talking about all the things that happened when they had no contact. You decide to let them have a conversation alone and sit down next to Alina, Michelle, Lena, Jeongin and Felix.

One hour pass by when Alina suddenly jumps up and screams:
'Hey guys! I have a brilliant idea!!'
'What is it you GeNiUs?', Lena laughs.
'Well, since Magda and Em are in their own little world right now...what do you think if we go swim at first and afterwards play a little game...like truth or dare?'
Everyone nods and stands up.
You and Lena start a little race to the lake and as you run into the water, you splash around with the warm water and you begin a fun-fight with her.
The others come and you all have a good laugh together. You swim around the lake and jump into the water from a platform a few times.

Back at your towels you see that Magda and Em are done with telling each other the newest news so you go over to them and ask, if they want to join the game too.
Their faces lighten up and they look at each other. Then they nod and come over to the towels where everyone is already waiting.
'Hey Magda, come over here and sit next to me! Em? You want to sit bewteen us?', Alina asks.
Both look to up Em and she nods. Then she places herself between them and you sit down next to Michelle, with Lena on your other side.

'Soo guys, now that we are all sitting here, I have to ask one question: DO YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY TRUTH OR DARE??', Alina screams.
Everyone nods.
'So you all also know the rules? If one person doesn't want to answer a question, or doesn't want to do a dare, the other players decide together what he/she has to do instead. And that can be a question but also a dare, that will be decided by the others as I already said', Alina continues.
Everyone nods again.
'Good, then let's start....LENA, truth or dare?', Michelle begins.
'Dare hoe! What else?'
'...let me think....okay! Go to this sleeping man over there and write something with sunscreen over his chest, so that when he wakes up, he is red everywhere except on where you wrote!', Michelle laughs.
'Too easy for me!', Lena says and does what she was dared to.
When she comes back, you all are looking at her, curious, what she wrote.
'It's a secret! You all will see when he wakes up!', she says, really proud of herself.
'Okay...next one! Let me see...Y/N! What do you think about our cute little boys right here?', Lena winks at you and points at Felix and Jeongin.
'Oh...uhm...okay...', you put your thoughts together and begin to speak...
Hiya out there! :)
I hope you all have a good day?
We REALLY hope you are still reading this story and enjoy it! As we said: if you want us to involve some ideas from you in our story, just let us know it the comments!
What will you say? And, will it be stuck on Jeongin's and Felix's mind afterwards? What will happen in the game as it continues? Read the next chapter to find out ;)
Have a good morning, evening or night!


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