Chapter 5

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I ran over to our towels and bags. I grabbed the towel and tried to get as dry as possible.

Then I got my sundress and pulled it quickly over my head.

I put my earphones and phone and towel all in my bag and swung the bag on my shoulders.

Quickly stood up and turned around and standing right behind me was Calum.


He smiled and said "what's the rush?"

"Oh Em.."

"I don't usually send girls running.. Are you ok?"

"Yeah of course I am, you didn't send me running I just have to go" I say trying to get by him.

He turns and lightly touches my arm leaving the spot tingly where he touched me.

"Ok, well I hope to see you again"

I quickly scurry off without saying anything and head for the car park

Calum's P.O.V.

I was left standing confused and alone looking in the direction Jessica ran off to.

She honestly was  beautiful with sparkling emerald green eyes that you could lost in for hours.She had gorgeous dirty blonde hair,nice plump lips and an amazing body.

Why did she run off? Was it because of me? Does she not like me or something?

Oh well I'll probably never see her again so who cares. What am I saying, I do.

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