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{Katy POV}

I got into the front of the car and sat there as we begun to get back on the motorway for another 2 hour journey. I felt sick. I had lost Jack obviously and now theres no chance of a relationship with Grayson because he's using me to get back at Amy. Amy wasn't even that hot, she was basic as basic could ever be. Yeah, she lived in Edgerton like us. About 2 blocks away from me in a regular sized house with her brother and parents. Streaky brown hair and green eyes, apart from that then nothing special. I felt ill, sick, down, whatever could be negative. I winded the window down a notch and rested my arm on the side, looking at the speeding cars or the odd houses and trees going past us in a flash. I looked into the rear mirror and i could see Jack asleep again. At least someone was at peace possibly.

'Why is everyone so quiet?' Grayson looked into the rear mirror and then at me, giving him a pissed look.

'You must have guessed that Jack liked me. You kiss me with no caution, then i find out by over hearing their conversation that you still love Amy' i looked at him with strong eyes. He looked at me defeatedly.

'It wasn't meant to be like this, I swear' he concentrated on the road.

'What? The fact that you still like a basic bitch but you kiss me and tell me how you like me so much?' I raised my hands upwards.

'Well when you say it like that-'

'Thats literally the only way to say it you idiot' i raised my voice a little louder, waking jack. I took a deep breath and sighed.

'What?' I heard jack say.

'They're arguing about what happened at the lake' Ethan explained.

'Look, I'm sorry Jack I didn't mean for you to see' grayson said.

'It shouldn't have happened anyway, its not like you meant half of what you said' i rolled my eyes.'

'Well I do kind of' he replied.

'What the hell mate you either like her or not' jack sat forward and looked at him.

'Do you wanna go out with her?' Ethan asked. Grayson looked at them both before looking at me.

'I don't know' he shrugged. He officially pissed me off, and Im guessing the rest of them too as they all groaned and sat back in their seats.

'Im sorry' he whispered to me.

'Just drive, i want to go home' i teared up. He sighed and carried on.

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