Sebastian-Heres a scarf!

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Finally! It's finally finished! After days of learning and failing it's finally done! Y/N finally made that scarf for Sebastian! He says that the cold doesn't bother him but it's still nice to have anyway, just in case.

Y/N stepped out of the newly renovated farm house and into the wintery wonderland that was the farm, taking the scarf along too. Y/N quickly wondered if winter was going to be as profitable as the last seasons. That wasn't the first thing that came to mind though.

The scarf itself was well made for a first time sewing session. Of course it wasn't easy. Y/N spent a lot of time trying to figure it out. Eventually Y/N gave up and had to ask Emily for help. Of course Emily was more than happy to help. Especially because she knew of Y/N's crush on the introverted boy. However Emily did get a bit too excited once or twice.

Y/N was making the way through the peaceful settlement of Pelican Town. Y/N took the time to admire the change of scenery during the seasons. The fields of white covered the ground and rooftops of the little town. Y/N could see why this place was special to grandpa. It has this charm to it that you don't find anywhere else.

Y/N wasn't paying attention and ended up bumping into Maru, who was walking to the clinic.

"Y/N! Good to see you! Feels like I haven't seen you in a while!" Maru and Y/N grew close ever since Y/N moved here. You could say they were like double As on a battery pack!

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that Maru." Y/N said with an apologetic tone. "I spent the last few days working on something."

"Really? What is it? Is it an automatic cow milking machine?! Is it a robot?!"

"What? No.."

"Aaww bummer! When will you use that robot building manual I gave you?!"

"Eventually! Right now I have to bring this scarf to Sebby!"

"You made a scarf for my brother? Wow." Maru has a bit of astonishment in her voice.

"What do you mean wow?" Y/N questioned.

"I never would have taken the time out of my day to make something for Sebastian. Though I'll admit, it is something that crossed my mind..." Y/N was aware of the rocky relationship in Maru's family. If only there was something that could be done to help it.

"I'm sure he'll come around! After all you're family!" Y/N's comment gave Maru a smile. They both knew how to cheer each other up. After a quick conversation about science that Y/N didn't understand, the journey to Sebastian's basement continued.

Y/N stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath before opening the entrance to the mountain home. The smell of pine and old timber hit Y/N's nose hard, but it wasn't a bad smell, it was a comforting smell. When Y/N walked in, the lovable lumberjack was there to say hello.

"Y/N! It's good to see you! What brings you here?" Robin was the first face Y/N saw when first entering Stardew Valley. Out of all the gingers out there, Robin was the favorite.

"Heya Robin! I brought a little gift for Sebastian!" Y/N couldn't contain the excitement.

"Well that awfully nice of you! Unfortunately he isn't here right now."

"Oh, he isn't?" Y/N was a little disappointed, but understood.

"Oh you know him. He's probably at Sam's practicing for their band." The thought of Sebastian in a band was really appealing. Of course Y/N would never admit it, but Sebastian being in a band made him even more attractive.

"Hopefully that's all he's doing. Instead of getting himself into trouble." Y/N turned around to see the papa of the house, good o'l Demetrius.

"I trust Sebastian honey, you shouldn't worry." Robin was the more understanding of the two.

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