Leah-How I feel about you

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I took a little inspiration from her heart events. I kinda mashed them together to make my own little story. Hope you enjoy!

There was something about Leah that Y/N found absolutely enchanting. Maybe it was her laidback personally that always put Y/N at ease. Or perhaps it was how her fiery hair glowed when the sun shined upon it. Or maybe it was her undeniable talent of artistry.

Y/N couldn't go 5 minutes without having Leah on their mind. Y/N tried to ignore it and work on the farm, but that only made them think about her more. Leah was the first person Y/N had a full conversation with when first stepping into the bar, besides Shane and Pam of course.

After they talked, the started opening up to each other more and more every day. And each day, Y/N felt the lump in their chest get bigger and bigger. Y/N couldn't deny it any longer. They were going to go beyond plus ultra, and confess to Leah.

While Y/N was daydreaming about their crush, they were leaning on their hoe a little too hard. This caused Y/N to snap out of their dream, but unfortunately it was too late. Y/N ended up landing face first into the goat feces. Y/N quickly sat up and tried to wipe it off with their bare hands. Which made it worse. Their jacket was completely covered, and so was Y/N's face and hands.

     "Aw Sugar Honey Ice Tea!" Y/N exclaimed. They wasted no time running to the bathhouse.  Y/N scrubbed like there was no tomorrow. They even washed their clothes in the bathhouse, since they were Y/N's only pair of clothes for the summer season.
Y/N took a deep breath and changed back into their clothes, before exiting the bathhouse. There, they ran into Sam and Penny.

"Yo Y/N! what's goin on?" Sam greeted with a smile as always.

"It's nice to see you Y/N. How are you?" Penny asked.

"Hey you guys. I'm doin good, just needed a quick bath."

"But you took one this morning. I saw you walk in." Sam said.

"Well...I kinda got into a messy situation."

"Oh my, are you alright?" Penny was always so caring towards others.

"I...fell into my goats...poop. Again."

"Lemme guess, you were think about Leah again weren't you?" Sam teased. Sam knew about Y/N's feelings towards Leah and seemed pretty happy about it.

"Geez buddy, When are you gonna spill the beans?"

"I could say the same to you Sam!" Y/N retorted.

"W-What are you talkin about?" Y/N glanced towards Penny, then back at Sam.

"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"Don't make that face at me! S-Seriously, please don't." Sam was a blushing mess. Penny on the other hand looked confused.

"A-Anyways, I have to agree with Sam Y/N. If you don't tell her, she won't ever know how you feel. You miss the chances you don't take after all." Penny was the voice of reason and boy was it needed.

"I-I'll think about it. Thanks you guys." After saying goodbye to their friends Y/N decided to take a stroll through the forest to clear their head...bad decision, because of course, Y/N saw the one they loved most.

Leah was under the fruit tree, trying to grab that one perfect fruit that hung from the branch. Y/N saw Leah struggling and they had to admit, it was adorable seeing her try to reach it. They quickly felt bad though and walked over to her. Leah noticed Y/N and her face lit up.

"Oh Y/N! I'm so glad to see you!" That alone made Y/N want to scream to the heavens how much they cared about Leah. Baby steps Y/N, baby steps! Leah pointed to the fruit in the tree and sighed.

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