Abigail-Dynamic Duo

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Requested by the charismatic SpeedytheMemeLord

"Sweet Yoba I'm really in for it this time!" Exclaimed the paranoid Y/N.

"Jeez Y/N, you're overreacting. Im fine, really, I am!" Abigail said, trying to calm down her friend.

"That's not what your dad is gonna say when he finds out!" What was Y/N freaking out about? Well, a certain purple haired lass insisted on practicing in the art of the sword. The only person that she knew of who can use a sword was Y/N the farmer who lived down the road. She went to their house and asked for lessons.

Long story short, Abigail got a cut on her leg, and Y/N was convinced that her dad was going to ring their neck. Abigail rested on a rock while Y/N looked like they were about to cry. Abigail finished wrapping her ankle in a bandage and walked over to Y/N. She grabbed Y/N's shoulders and shook them to get them out of their terrified state.

"What my pops wont know won't hurt him yeah?" Abigail gave Y/N a mischievous smile, which caused Y/N to calm down. Abby has this ability to ease Y/N whenever them got paranoid, which was all the time.

"O-Ok Abby..I guess that's true." Abigail giggled.

"Gosh Y/N, you're so adorkable! That's why we are the dynamic duo!" Abigail poked their cheek and walked to the front porch of the old farm house and sat down. Abby patted a spot next to them and Y/N accepted the invitation. Y/N was a sweating blushing mess, still thinking about what abby's dad would do if he found out.

Y/N turned to Abigail, who didn't have a care in the world and was petting the farm cat, who sat in her lap. Y/N didn't understand why Abigail of all people decided to talk to them. The whole reason why they moved out to the country in the first place was to get away from all the people back in the big city. It's not that they hated people, it's just that their social skills were a bit...rusty. Abigail was this fun, and confident person, something Y/N didn't see themselves as.
"So Y/N, I've been thinking..." Abigail said turning to the timid farmer. "I think we should take our relationship to the next level."

"E-Excuse me?!" Y/N said in shock.

"Yeah! Our friendship should turn into partnership! To put it simply, I want to start going in the mines with you, like co-workers."

"O-Oh that's what you meant..." Y/N took a deep breath.

"Abby you know I can't do that. I stay in there longer than I should and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you."

"That's why you're teaching me how to defend myself silly!"

"I know but-" Abigail placed her finger on Y/N's Mouth to shush them.

"I trust you to take care of me in there and in return, I take care of you."

"I still don't know Abigail. I mean what if I can't do that? What if you got hurt real bad in there? What if-" Y/N stopped and look at abigail's face. Was she pouting?

"Abby...please don't give me the puffy face." Abby didn't listen.

"I guess I have no choice do I?"

"Nope. We start tomorrow morning." And like that, Abigail stood up and ran back home. "See you later Y/N!"

Then next day came faster than Y/N thought. Too fast. Before they knew what hit them, they were already trying to keep up with Abigail in the mines. She was aware of her surroundings but she did get a bit too excited a few times.

     "H-Hey Abby? You wouldn't mind slowing down would ya? You're...really fast." Y/N panted, tripping over minerals.

     "Oh come on Y/N, where's your sense of adventure?!" Abigail laughed.

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