Alex- Opposites Attract

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Requested by the glamorous Kit_Kat__312

     Alex was the type of guy who's feelings would disappear pretty quickly, especially when it came to crushes. However, Alex wasn't prepared for the sucker punch of emotions he'd feel towards the new resident of the valley. The new farmer who went by Y/N.

     Y/N felt the same way, but do to their lack of social skills it wasn't very easy to open up about it. What do I mean by that? Well, it's not like they were afraid of people, it's holding a conversation that's the problem. What they lack in social skills they made up for in brain power!

     I guess you could say that opposites attract. Alex was the loud charming athlete, while Y/N was the quiet know it all genius. Alex was the type of guy everyone wanted to pick for a game of dodgeball, while Y/N was the type of person who everyone wanted to partner up with for a school project.

     At first, Y/N thought Alex was just an over confidant, self centered jock and Alex thought Y/N was just a stuck up, know it all smarty pants. After a while and some accidents run ins with each other, they eventually warmed up to each other. That warmth soon grew into affection. One improvised conversation would lead these two into opening up to each other.

Y/N was leaving the library after donating some rare artifacts for the museum, when they spotted Alex manning the ice cream stand. He rested his head on his arm with a bored expression. Just staring at the muscled athlete made Y/N's face turn red. Their feet moved on their own and before they knew it, they attempted to have a conversation.

"Hey Y/N. What's happening?" Alex's mood improved almost immediately.

"Hello Alex, I noticed you're working today." Y/N tried not to sound like a robot during conversations but failed every time. Alex on the other hand didn't mind it.

"Well, I gotta make money somehow." Without thinking Y/N popped a question.

"What if I gave you the opportunity to lend assistance on my farm?" Alex's eyes widened.

"You'd do that for me? Wow, Y/N that's super nice of you!" Y/Ns face turned redder than it was before and shuffled in place.

"I just think that it would help you financially, plus give you the opportunity to improve you're physical health..."

     "Say, how do you get stuff done on that farm? I-I'm not saying that your not capable I'm just curious!" Alex went on to try to fix what he said, only making him sound worse. Y/N chuckled at his failed recovery.

"I'll admit it's quite difficult, but it really does help me improve my cardio and strength." Y/N let out a few coughs Alex gave them a semi concerned look.

"You good Y/N?" Alex reached his hand out to Y/N but they reassured him.

"I'm alright. Like I said, it gets difficult but this lifestyle is clearly superior to my last one. I feel like I'm making a difference." Y/N gave Alex a smile, which was soon diminished by more coughing. Y/N quickly sank to the ground but before they could fall completely, they were saved by a pair of strong arms. Y/N was cradled in Alex's arms face first into his broad chest.

"Woah, Y/N! Take it easy there." Y/N tried to catch Y/P breath after their sudden health drop. But Y/N had already forgotten about their condition because now they were too embarrassed by the fact that they were in the personal space of such an attractive guy.

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