Chapter 1

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It's a sunny day. Perfect day to start a new life, a new school in a new city. I look up. The sign with the name on it: Midtown School of Science and Technology. I have no idea what to expect, I mean - New York is definitely different than everything else. A couple years ago there were aliens. A freaking alien invasion!

Honestly, I don't get why these idiots still live here, but now I'm one of those idiots. Great. I walk into the building. Here we go... The halls are empty. Makes sense as I'm pretty late. But nobody cares because it's a high school and teachers don't have a life. I think I need to register first.

"Hello, I'm new here. This is my first day of school." I tell the first person I see, who happens to be a woman behind a counter.

She looks up, pretty bored. Can't blame her, she probably has the most annoying job ever, except for the teachers and everyone else working here. I hope that I never end up here, for everyone's sake.

"What's your name?" Her voice sounds like she just woke up from her nap.

"Hannah. Hannah Greenfield." She looks back on the computer and sees probably my name, "Yes, I see you. Here you have your schedule and all the information you need. Good luck."

I take all the papers she's handing me. I wanted to ask if I get problems now that I'm pretty late, but she has already forgotten me and has all her attention to the computer screen again. Yeah, she's right, whatever. I walk away, through the empty hallway. I try to look where I need to go. When I finally found the logic of my schedule, I go on adventure to find the right classroom with the right number.

When I finally find it, I open the door. My first impression is that it's a maths class. Alright... Maths, can't be so bad, it's one of my favorite subject because I'm pretty good at it. I walk into the classroom, where I kinda interrupt the lesson. Oops, hi hi, this is awkward. So now I stand there, with staring faces into my soul, in front of the class. Great, just great. I try make a nice first impression.

"Sorry, who are you?" Asks the teacher, a man who is really big with big glasses.

"I am the new kid, Hannah Greenfield." I explain.

"Oh yeah sure. Just go and sit beside Flash there." He point at a boy who smirks at me.

Alright, weird. I walk to the table beside his. And the lesson begins, it's all so simple. My thoughts wander of to my mom. Did she find a new job, or not? What is it? What if she can't afford the apartment?

"Do you know the answer Hannah?" Are you serious? I sit in this lesson for like 5 minutes and I already get to answer a question?

"It's a negative number, because of the opposite calculator." I answer easily, can life even be harder?

"That's correct miss Greenfield." I give a fake smile to him, but the window and the outside world behind it catches my attention again.

When the bell rings -what felt like ages- everyone stands up and runs out of the room. I can't blame them, I would do that too. But at this moment I don't really care if I leave this room a couple seconds later.


"Mom!" I call, "I'm home! Where are you?"

The apartment is the definition of chaotic. Everywhere are moving boxes. Some are half open, some are kinda broken and can't be even seen as a box anymore. I really need to unpack my stuff. But I'm lazy and I don't give a shit, so there is the thing that stops my motivation. It's sad -my life is sad.

"Mom?" I try calling out again.

I don't know if she's even home. She didn't say anything, expect that she maybe could be gone if she found a possible job. That's also the whole reason why we're on this alien city - hurray New York. I really hope she finds something because if not - we may end up on the streets or something.

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