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Rachel wakes up to the sound of her phone ringing. She glares at the alarm clock sitting on the table next to her bed. It reads 3:08 am. Who could be calling her at this hour? She picks up her phone, to see that Calum Hood is calling her. She gazes at the screen confused for a few seconds, then puts her phone back down. She knows that Calum is just drunk and lonely and wanting her back after what he did.

Rachel remembers a time when Calum would call her at this time of night just to tell her he loved her. He would say that he woke up in the middle of the night missing her, wishing he could see her beautiful face. Those were better times. Rachel remembers how happy Calum made her, and how special she felt when she received those calls. Now they mean nothing to her.
Calum sits on the floor of his cold, dark apartment room. It reminds him of the times Rachel was here with him.

He was astonished at how perfect she really was. He still is.
Her dark hair was so soft, and smelt like lavender. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean, and he missed looking into them as he was about to kiss her. Her smile though, was his favorite part. It was so beautiful, and he loved to make her smile. It made him feel happy knowing he could make such a beautiful human feel so special.

He loved the way he felt around her. She made him feel like nobody else could make him feel. She was so smart, so funny. She could make him laugh with little effort. She could turn his worst days into his best. He was so comfortable around her. She made him feel safe.

He misses it all so much. He thinks about it all the time. He knows he can't have her though, and it breaks his heart.

Yet he still tries. He tries so hard to get her back. He hasn't heard from her in awhile. He wonders if shes okay. He wonders if she misses him. She does.

He decides to call her, doubting she will answer. He was right. He never expected her to answer, and it was his fault.

"How could I have been so stupid?" he thinks as he drinks some more. He wants his feelings to go away. They are getting harder to deal with.
After she received the call from Calum, her mind is flooded with memories of the times she spent with Calum. She knows she shouldn't be dwelling on them, but she can't help it. She still loves him, but she has a hard time admitting it to herself. She is confused with her feelings.

It's been 3 weeks since he did it. She wants to move on, because she knows she can't trust him. She knows he regrets it, but that doesn't make up for anything.

It doesn't make up for the nights she spent crying, wishing she never fell for him. It doesn't make up for the hurt she felt when she found out what had happened. He had broken her heart, and she didn't want to be hurt again. So she continues to shut him out, no matter how hard it gets.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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