Chapter Three

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Stonemover leaned over the lava. He stared at his new bracelet in horror. What have I done? And just so I could scout before we go in for killing. I wanted to get out of making more enchantments. Losing my soul even more. But what have I done? My soul is lost. Lost forever. But a small part of him still thought; Maybe there still is hope. Maybe there is something I could enchant to save myself.

He could not see the sky, but he knew it was sunset. The lava under him reminded him of the glow of the sun. He slowly took the bracelet off, and turned it in his claws. His magic had done a wonderful job of making it. It was beautiful, with swirls of silver in the shapes of dragons. He looked at it one last time, then dropped it and watched it fall into the glowing lava below.


Stonemover was ready to go to the Ice Kingdom. He grabbed his only piece of jewelry other than the silver bracelet he had destroyed yesterday, and tugged it onto his arm. It was a thick cord of leather, with a polished tooth from a wolf he had eaten a few months ago. "Enchant this bracelet to protect the wearer from all the dangers of the Ice Kingdom, from the Great Ice Cliff to the cold" He then flew out of the volcano.

It took Stonemover a while before he even came within sight of the Ice Kingdom, and he was very tired. Maybe I should enchant something to instantly teleport dragons. That would sure be useful.

He landed on the frozen shore. A few IceWings walked around, but they hadn't noticed him yet.

They would soon.

They would soon.

He was a NightWing, which meant his scales were pitch black. He stood out like a fire at night. He hid behind a rock and looked around. However, it wasn't long before an IceWing found him. She charged, and attacked, biting him in the back, only to fail to draw blood.

I enchanted it to protect me from the dangers of the Ice Kingdom. Stonemover realized. That includes hostile IceWings. They IceWing was clawing him, trying to attack. He flung her off, and pinned her to the ground. "Who are you?" he demanded.

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