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How do I describe it??

Uhh...I guess for me it's comforting.

It makes me feel safe. Makes me feel as though there's always someone there to comfort me. Especially when I need it the most.

I remember when I was younger, I witnessed my first thunderstorm. But I just thought the sky was crying. So I sat under a tree near the guild and talked to it to make it feel better.

A silly thought, I know, but I was young back then. But that moment meant the world to me.

I got sick the next day and was out on bed rest for that following week. But get this!

It stopped raining later on.

So, for that entire week that I was sick, I made sure to talk to the sky everyday.

AH! I'm getting off track aren't I!?

But you wanna know something else?

Sometimes I like to play a little game with myself when it rains.

I like watching the rain roll down a window, then wait for it to fuse with another drop. And which ever drop reaches the bottom first that means-!

Oh crap!

I'm getting off track again aren't I!?"

Then she giggled.

"Hehe! Sorry Natsu!"

"I-it's fine, (N/n)." Natsu whispered to no one as he kneeled before his guild mate's grave. The heavy raindrops encasing him in a freezing shower he didn't need.

(Y/n) (L/n)

Born X765-X784

Beloved Guildmate and Friend

We Hope You Rest In Peace (Y/n)

Death by a Forgotten Heart

Said the grave. Lining the grave were beautiful assortments of lilies and chrysanthemums. The rain falling from the sky that seemed to dull their vibrant color.

Funny right? The flowers that killed her are the ones that lie above her decomposing corpse.

Natsu didn't seem to mind the downpour. His salmon locks were matted onto his forehead, and his clothes were drenched beyond belief, yet he stayed put.

He looked to his right for a little and looked at the gloomy clouds that hovered above the gray and black looking ocean below.

He wishes it didn't rain today. Maybe he could describe a more refulgent scenery to (Y/n) and pretend he could hear her soft voice make snarky remarks on Natsu's lousy imagination.

He smiled at the recollection of him calling the pastel painting sunset 'Nothin but a bunch of water-flavored cotton candy.'

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