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(Dylan and his gang are making a comeback because I miss them xjdj)

Raina's POV

I looked down at my schedule. It was the start of the new semester which means new classes.
I was thankful that the classes I had with my friends were my main classes like science, English, and math... So those didn't change.

However this semester I started gym and theater. I only took theater because I needed another Fine Arts credit before I could graduate... And I took gym because it's required at least one semester every year.

"Good morning students!" Our teacher, Mr. Steeple said loudly. It was our first period class. I dropped my stuff down onto the new desks. Previously we had tables for four but over winter break the classroom got new desks for two.
I sat towards the back of the room. Corbyn and Daniel sat in the desk directly behind me while Zach sat directly on the other side of the room from us next to some girl named Maria.

"So today class we have a new student joining us! He's a sophomore however he's very intelligent enough to join us!" Mr. Steeple said proudly "he's also my beloved son" He smiled widely. A kid walked in, it took my a second but then I realized who it was

"Hi I'm um... John" The kid said snd that's when it hit me, he was the John from dylans birthday party a few months ago

"You can take a seat next to raina, she's the one in the purple " Steeple said with a smile as he walked over to his desk. John walked over awkwardly "everyone sit and chit chat while I get attendance done"

"Raina long time no see" He said with a smile as he sat down next to me "how've you been?" He asked

"I've been good man, how about you?" I ask as I turn to face him

"Wait you two know eachtoher?" Daniel said confused as he looked between the two of us.

"Yeah, he's Jonah's cousin's friend" I said as I looked back at him "we met because Jonah and I chaperoned Jonahs cousins party for the weekend and he was there"

"Yeah you ate my fries because I told you guys to hurry up and get us lunch" He said with a small laugh

6th period

I entered sixth period, theater. I looked around, there wasn't many people in the class. I sat down in the back out of the class, everyone was spread around the room.

"Good afternoon students" the teacher said, standing up to walk to the front of the classroom "My name is Mrs. Willows." She said in a monotonous voice "today's topic of attendance will be to introduce yourself, tell me your name, grade, and someone you value in your life and why"

"Sorry we're late" a voice said. I turn my head and see two boys. It was Dylan and Jackson!

" So I see, please take a seat Mr. Breitspecker and Mr. Cornelius" Mrs. Willows said rolling her eyes "first up is Mrs. Clark" she said glancing up. I stood up and cleared my throat

"Hi... My name's Raina Clark, I'm a Junior. And someone I value in my life is my brother because even though he gets on my nerves a lot he's still my only sibling" I said awkwardly, sitting down

"Thank you Ms. Clark" the teacher said "Cornelius you're next, name, grade, someone you value and why" walked over standing next to a desk right next to mine

"My name is Jackson Cornelius, I am a Sophomore... And someone I value is my mom because without her I would not be like.... Breathing" he said and plopped down into the desk.

After many more students went it was finally just time to sit and chat since the teacher already went over classroom norms and what we'd be looking forward to this semester.

"Raina what is up, I haven't seen you in awhile" Jackson said turning towards me, along with Dylan

"I've been good. Started winter cheerleading, getting ready for track season... How about you two?" I ask

"It's been good. Wrestling season started and we both made varsity" Dylan said with a smirk, fist pumping Jackson

"That's crazy, I'm one of the cheerleaders for the wrestling team" I said with a smile

"Ayeeee maybe we'll see you at the games then" Dylan said with a smile

"You most definitely will" I said returning the smile

Big Filler Chapter Energy

I'm real sorry for the inactives, a lot of things are going on right now and I need to grasp a stable mentality

7 rings is a bop ngl

Okay that's all folks GN

Okay that's all folks GN

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