f o u r

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"Hoenahhhhhhh" Zephan yelled from across the room towards Jonah. I stood there awkwardly and frozen. The only people I told about Jonah adding me where Jack and Jillian since those two were my closest friends.

"Ze-Pannnnnnnn" Jonah hollered back to him as they both broke out into laughter. Riyn had stood there smirking towards me.

"Hi Jonah!" Riyn said in a girly voice since he was right behind me, making it seem like I was the one who said it.

Jillian had broke out into laughter along with Jack, the two of them were out to make my life hectic and crazy I swear.
Everyone around us had been communicating amoung themselves so the room wasn't silent, but I was freaking out

"Raina...right?" He said looking at me as he raised an eyebrow. Licking his bottom lip

"Uh yea... that uh... would be me" I said awkwardly, mentally planning Jack's death for getting his attention.

"You two know eachother?" Zephan said inturpting us, raising his eyebrow.

No shit he's shocked, he knows jonahs the biggest fuckboy. You'd be shocked to if he knew your social awkward sister

I thought to myself and shook my head slightly

"Uh yea....we have eachtoher on snapchat" I said nodding awkwardly. Zephan has always been on the iffy about bringing certain friends around.

With Jake and Colby, we all grew up together, I consider their two like my older brothers and zephan knows neither of them would try anything on me.
But it seems like with every other friend he's cautious and watches us like a hawk.

2 hours later: 9:47 PM

We all sat around the family room downstairs all just talking. I sat in between Jake and Jillian, Jillian on my right and Jake on my left.

"Yo we should all do something OOUU we should all play truth or dare" Zach said with excitement lacing his tone

Like I said, you can tell he was less mature than the others

"Sure I don't care" Zephan said with a shrug, getting nods in agreement

"Who wants to go first?" Avery said raising his eyebrow "noone.... fine I'll go.... corbyn truth or dare"

"Truth" Corbyn said with a shrug as he shoved a bite of cookie into his mouth.

"Out of all the GUYS in here... who would you kiss if you were forced to choose" Jack said, causing him and all the guys to burst out into laughter

"Hmmm..... you all are gross but probably colby" Corbyn said causing Colby to jump up and do a victory dance while all the other guys either act hurt or relived

We kept playing for awhile. All the boys started picking dare to make the game more interesting which ended up in Zach getting a lap dance from Andrew, Jillian getting the side of her face licked by Daniel, and many more stupid dares

"Jonah. Truth or dare" Zach said as he looked over at Jonah.

"Oh uh.... dare" Jonah said blandly with a shrug, turning off his phone and shoving it in his pocket

"I dare you to either make out with Jake while Jillian watches you guys or make out with Raina while zephan watches" Zach said with a smirk

Fuck you, you little off brand Jacob Sartorious

"Bro.... what the fuck" Jonah said with a nervous laugh "i don't want to make out with Jake, especially with his little sister watching us"

"Ditto that shit would be weird" Jake added, having a hint of disgust lacing his face

"But I don't want to make our with her... I mean don't get me wrong you're cute but he" Jonah said pointing towards zephan "would kick my ass"

"Well you gotta do one man" Zach said , everyone agreeing with him

"Well.... I guess.... I choose...."

Left ya on a cliffhangers there homies

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