His temper tantrum and his best friend

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after my training session with alec I went back to my office and started to finish off some paper work I was seriose when I told alec I had work.

as I finished the last one I sighed in reliefe and rubbed my eyes. I looked over at the clock across the room.


I sign and rub my eyes but jumped when the door burst open and a distrest alec came through. I jumped out of my seat.

"alec what happened? what's happening? Are you ok?" I say slightly panicked at the sudden scare.

he starts pacing while he rants, I sign and sit back down this is going to take a while.

"this is not fair, why does jace get to go. I'm the oldest" I cut of his rant

"technically if I stand corrected I'm the oldest" I stated he gave me a look and continued his rant

" I did everything she ever asked. He's always better, then me her own son! sometimes I think she would rather have him as a son instead of me. she obviously wishes it. am I not good looking enough? smart enough?, too smart?"

I cut him of his rant again before he does some damage to himself then what his mother had aready done.

"alec.... I knew that she hurt you by favouriting jace over you but..... not this much. if she doesn't see that your beautiful smart witty and the most AMAZING best friend I could ever ask for then that her loss. but right here right now I have you and I would never trade you for the world." I said as I stood up and hugged him.

he hugged back tightly "thank you, Sara" I heard him mumble into my hair. I smiled

I pull away and push him towards the door "now go kick that mundane in the arse, I have work to do"  I laugh as I heard him mumbling about not wanting to go as he walked out the door as the door closed behind him, I felt the smile melt of my face and a deadly expression come on.

its time to talk to Maryse Lightwood.

Beautiful nightmares-Alec lightwood love story (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now