the Mundane

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(my favrote song)

I was just back from a important clave mission since I was 19 a year older then Alec I have to go on more important missions.

I walk into the institute only to find that it was empty I mean EMPTY. Where was everyone? I put my stuff away  and waited in the main room so when they walk in they will see me.

first I heard people talking jace and alec were arguing then I heard another voice it wasn't Izzy's voice ever I had gotten my Seraph blade out but hid it behind me as they came into view they didn't even see me.

"why is there a mundane in the institute?" I pretending to be calm but I was furious that there was a mundane in the institute.

they all quickly looked at me jace immediately tried escaping out the doors knowing not to mess with me when I'm mad "Jace Wayland' I said and he froze everyone snuck a glance at him worried all but the Mundie "get back here now" I said in a deadly calm voice. did I machine that since Maryse isn't here since I'm the oldest I have to run the institute while she's gone. I had left alec in charge, 

They all looked nervous "explain now"

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