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10. Caught-Truth

3rd Person POV.

About a week later Forth finally found out what was making Phana so scared and so sick.

It was Beam.

Beam was the reason why Phana was so scared. The reason why he was too sick to hang out with Kit.

Phana didn't tell Forth what was happening. No. Forth caught Beam beating Phana AND Kit up in his office at the club.

Kit finally decided to confront Beam and Phana came with him.

Forth happened to come over to surprise Phana. Today was the day he was gonna ask Phana to be his boyfriend...
But that's gonna have to wait, he's gotta save the two loves of his life.

His first and former love - Kit
And his current love - Phana

"Beam. Put him down. Now." Forth said calmly walking into Beam's office after he heard Phana scream and Kit yelling at Beam.

Beam dropped Phana, which caused him to pass out. Kit dragged Phana to the bathroom and away from Beam while him and Forth 'talked'.

"What. Was. That." Forth is TERRIFYING when he's mad. Beam wasn't saying anything but his eyes said it all.


Forth usually didn't hit someone without a reason but because his baby was currently passed out because of this bitch. Forth has enough reason to beat the living shit out of Beam.

Kit ran back to Forth yelling about needing an ambulance for Phana when he saw Forth beating Beam up pretty badly. Kit loved that but that could wait.

"Forth! Stop! Phana needs help! NOW!" Kit yelled getting Forth's attention, as well as all of the club workers' attention. A few dancers and the bouncers ran in and held Beam down while two other dancers called the cops and an ambulance. Forth ran to the bathroom where Phana was and found him barely awake and coughing up blood.

"It'll be alright baby, stay awake ok?" Forth said and tried his best to help Phana till help arrived. Phana just passed out in Forth's arms.

"Idiot he said to stay awake," Kit said and was holding a towel down on Phana's side, he was bleeding pretty badly.

"You alright? Your lip's busted," Forth asked Kit while helping him stop Phana's bleeding.

"I'm alright, worry about him," Kit said hiding that he was also bleeding a lot at the bottom of his rib. Unfortunately Kit ended up passing out just as the ambulance showed up.

"They're in the bathroom! Cops the suspect's in the room at the end of the hall!" A dancer yelled as the police and ambulance showed up.

- 16 hours later - in the hospital -

Forth was wide awake sitting in between Phana and Kit's hospital beds. Wayo and Ming were here as well waiting for their best friends to wake up and to help Forth calm down.

"I fucking hate him... How did I not see it..." Forth's not alright right now, he blames himself for not noticing sooner.

"It's not your fault Forth. We didn't notice either, and Kit's a brother to us, we should've seen it," Ming said and Wayo nodded agreeing.

"Wait... Phana is the boy that 'abused' Beam in high school... Phana is the mystery boy we never knew about!" Wayo blurted out a few minutes later. Forth and Ming were confused.

"When we were decorating his room he left to go to the bathroom and I found a journal... The only things he wrote about were stories of how Beam abused him and then how Beam played victim and made Phana the bad guy. There were stories about his parents too... And I found this, I'm not sure if he's told you about this though..." Wayo said

" Wayo said

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"That was Pha?" Forth asked and read the article. He was so sad, his heart broke for Phana. He doesn't deserve this. He's too nice and adorable for this.

"I came as soon as possible. Where is he?" Nate asked walking into the hospital room while carrying Eva who was sad and confused. 

"Where's daddy?" Eva mumbled rubbing her eyes. 

Now everyone was confused. 

"He's in surgery and daddy?" Forth asked confused.

"I'm the girl Pha accidently slept with and got pregnant, Eva is technically his daughter but we decided it was better if he was just stayed a close family-friend instead of her dad full-time," Nate explained and everyone's jaw dropped.

"So she's his daughter?" Forth asked and Nate nodded.

"Wow..." Forth just keeps learning new things about Phana all the time. 

A nurse came in wheeling Phan back into the room a few minutes later and Phana immediately held his arms out to Forth. He really needed a hug right now. Forth got up and hugged the smaller and kissed his cheek. 

"I'm so happy you're ok baby," Forth said and hugged Phana as tight as he could without hurting him. 

"You saved us," Phana mumbled only so Forth could hear it. Forth thought he meant him and Kit. 

"Kit saved you too baby," Forth said and Phana shook his head. 

"You saved us," Phana repeated, again only for Forth to hear and moved Forth's hand to his stomach...

Forth's eyes went wide.

"You mean..."

"Yeah... well kind of... I'll explain later after everyone leaves." Pha mumbled and kissed Forth's check before laying down so the nurse could hook him up to an IV and some pain meds.

Thing's are looking better for them  finally. 

Oh, and Kit's ok too, he's sleeping right now. 

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