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          My eyes shoot open and I groan. I lay there trying to go back to sleep when I notice how big and cold the bed feels. I stretch my hand out, expecting to feel John somewhere in the bed. But, he's not here. I sit up and squint my eyes around the room. Maybe he went to the bathroom? I think, but the door's open... He wouldn't leave it open if he was in the bathroom.

I crease my eyebrows and swing my legs over the side and check the time. 3:48 AM. I sigh and go to look for him downstairs. I tiptoe down the steps and check in the kitchen.

Low and behold, my man. I walk behind him and rap my arms around his chest.

"What are you doing, baby?" I notice he had a glass of whiskey. I also smell alcohol strongly on him. I crease my eyebrows and he looks up at me.

His cheeks are red and his eyes are blood shot. He looks so fucking sad.

"Oh my god John, are you okay? What's the matter, baby?" I wrap my arms tightly around him. He sobs into me and grabs my shirt in a fist... like he was fighting to keep me there. My heart breaks into a million pieces as he continues to hold me tighter than he ever had before.

"I can't ever loose you." he sobs into me. "I've lost everyone I've loved and I just.. cant loose you. You make me feel so happy. And... I haven't been happy in so long it feels like something bad's gonna happen that'll take you from me. And I wont be able to live if that happened."

He turned into a blubbering mess after he finished. "Johny I'll never. Ever. Leave you. Do you understand?"

"B-but-" He tries to churn up a scenario that would take me away from him.

"John I love you. I promise to be with you until the end. I'm sorry I didn't notice your mental health failing. You can talk to me anytime anywhere anyhow I'm here for you. As much as you are for me. Okay?" He nodded. I looked at the whiskey he had left and downed it myself. "Did you wake up and think too much?" He nods again. "Then come upstairs with me and I'll hold you until you fall asleep, okay?" He nods once again and we head upstairs.

~ timeskip ~

"Alright Kait, we're here." Toby says as the little bell above the door dings. We are finally at the vape shop after I remembered he promised he would take me.

I look around somewhat awestruck. "I have no idea what to get..." I say lowly causing Tobes to chuckle.

"I gotcha, guuurl." He immediately heads over I don't know where and comes back with a box.

He hands it to me and I read out,"Innokin Proton 235W TC Kit with Scion II Tank. A tad bit extra with the name but I like the chrome stuff."

He rolls his eyes,"Dont worry they're all like that. Ok now juice!" He gets giddy like a little girl over dolls.

I laugh and walk over to the juice rack with him. "Banana nut bread.... Strawnana.... Almond cappuccino.... Mango ice... Fuck I don't know!"

"You can get more than one there babe." He points out.

"Oh yeah... Well then I want Mango ice, OO LEM'N BERRY mmmm and I guess one more will do... Oh yummy strawberry."

I grab them all and head over to check out.

As we walk out he mentions,"You can just use John and mines coils and cottons." I nod, pretending to know what he's talking about.

As soon as we get in the car I open the box. I'm so fucking excited omg. I get it out and it's gorgeous. "You know me so well!" I fan dramatically as Toby starts to drive us home.

"Hey Tobes?" He hums in response. "Did you notice Johns mental health declining?"

"No... why? Is it?"

"Yeah... it got really bad last night. I didn't notice until last night Tobes. I feel like such a bad Girlfriend." I put my hands on my face

"He does always perk up around you though, Kait. He's also extremely good at hiding his emotions. Always has been. You're not a bad girlfriend and he loves you."

"I know... I just feel bad. I know how it feels to be depressed. I hope I can help him like he helps me."

"You do." He smiles down at me and I smile back.

~ timeskip ~

"Oh Johny~" I sing out as I kick the door open.

"Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn come here!!!" I hear shouting from the living room.

I quickly run in, expecting a crime scene, instead I see swaggers sub count. It's at... 999,940.

Holy shit.

"OH MY GOD SWAGGER YOU'RE GONNA HIT A MILLION!?!!!!" I scream and drop my shit on the couch, running to sit next to him as we all watch the numbers go up.

We all go silent...

999,969 "heh" is heard around the room.
999,980 "HEY WHO UNs-"

"OHHHH MY GOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!!!" Screaming is heard around the room. Mason took his shirt off and is lassoing it as he prances around the house.

"SWAGGER!!! WELCOME TO THE ONE MIL CLUB!!" I say as I grab his helmet and shake his head. John is screaming as are Toby Jay and Matt.

We're all going insane.

"PARTY TONIGHT BOYS!!! MASON!" He snaps his head towards me already grinning mischievously. "CALL YOUR FRIENDS AND BIG D. WERE GETTING FUCKED! WOOO-" I get cut off by John kissing me for some reason. I don't care though and kiss him back as all the boys continue to scream.

"I love you." He whispers as he come apart.

"I love you too." I giggle,"What was that for?"

"Because of how hot you look when you're happy for other people." I giggle again.

"Mk then..." I say as I go in for another kiss. I kiss him and remember my vape. "OH wait!" I say as I reach over and grab the bag. "Looky! Will you set it up for me?" He give him puppy eyes.

"Of course baby." He smiles and I kiss him once more.

"Alright boys! Call all your friends and their friends. Tonight we get absolutely fucked." I say as John and I break apart. Everyone giggles maniacally and gets to it. I go into the kitchen to check for weed and allllll the alcohol. Of course we're stocked thanks to manager Ryan. Love the guy.

I head back into the living room. "Eric! How's it feel to be at one million?" I say as I pat him on the back.

"No difference at all. But unbelievable at the same time. Ya feel?"

I nod. "You better get absolutely fucked cunt."

He giggles," You fucking bet your ass, Kait."

I giggle and head up stairs. Time to get ready for this bitch.


Howdy y'all. Ew. Anyways y'all likey? Eh???? Hope you do :) have a great night/day/whatever. I think it may be ending soon. Sorry but it'll be good I promise. Love you guys.

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