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Waking up like this is so... Different. The familiar feeling of lonelness only there for a second until waking up enough to realize there's an arm draped across you. And a warm body cuddling you.

It's amazing. Can't describe it any other way than amazing.

No. He's amazing. John Keyes.

I turn to cuddle him better. Wrapping my arms around him and tangling my legs with his.

To be honest I barley remember last night. Only that we told eachother that we loved eachother.

So I just lay there staring at his face.

Until his eyes flutter open revealing the deep sea blue they were. He smiles. And butterflys explode in my stomach.

"Good morning gorgeous." He holds me closer.

"...Did you mean what you said last night?" I ask him. Not fully believing that he would love me back.

He tenses a bit, and holds me back to look into my eyes. "I've never meant anything more."

I stare at him absolutely dumbfounded.

And then I kissed him. Softly and sweetly. He kissed me back. Our lips locked and I straughtled him once again.

Add then my ears started ringing.

Fuck I forgot I had a shit hang over.

"Oh fuck." I say sitting up holding my head and squinting my eyes.

"What? Are you ok? Do you need anything? Did I do something wrong?" He shoots up immediately worried.

I laughed a bit," No, I'm just hung over as fuck." I say as I plopped back down on the bed.

"Ooohhhh, I got you water last night. Ima big brained boy!"

I laugh. "Retard." I say eyeing the water he was handing me.

"Nonono. You see, I am big brained boy!" He says again making me laugh a bit harder.

"Stoooop babe my head hurts." I say pouting.

"That just means your gaining big brain!"I roll my eyes, cuddling with him again, but with my phone in my hand.

"What time is it..." I say as I open my phone.

1:13 pm

"Ugggggghh I have to record. You wanna play idk I'm feeling some vr today. Hmmm what about beatsaber. " I look up at him.

"How am I gonna play that with you dumb dumb." He smiles down at me.

I think for a moment.

"Idk as long as your there." I say putting on the biggest grin.

"As long as I get to sleep with you every night baby." He winks.

I scoff, " We'll see about that mister." I say knowing full well he most definitely will be.

I get up, my headache gone for the most part, and stretch. Also realizing that I was in my clothes from yesterday. Ew.

"Eeww I'm in my clothes from yesterday. You coulda changed me last night." I fake glare at him.

"Noted. Will be used next time." He says getting up and wrapping his arms around me. "Besides you would've killed me if you woke up in anything but that."

"Maybe not if I would've woken up naked." I say winking and spinning my way out of his arms and heading into the bathroom for a shower.

I can hear him laughing,"Noted. Will be used next time!" I hear as my door shuts. I giggle.

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