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"I'm seeing her today," Katya said, dropping her keys on Courtney's counter top

"That's lovely! What are you gonna do? Do you have plans? Do I get to meet her?"

"Don't interrogate me," Katya chuckled. Courtney looked up from whatever was sizzling on the stove to stick her tongue out at Katya. "We didn't make detailed plans, were just going out to have dinner"

"Oooh," Courtney mused. "So is it a date date?" She giggled as she wiped her hands on a dish towel.

"I... I honestly don't know," Katya replied. She didn't want to admit to Courtney how much she'd been wondering the same thing. "I mean, I don't know if she's attracted to me, she might just like being friends."

Courtney sighed, and the timer on the oven went off. She crouched beside the island and pulled a pie out of the oven, sitting it on the counter in front of Katya. "Maybe you should ask her."


Katya immediately got in the shower when she returned to her apartment from Courtney's. She wanted to give herself time to get ready, just in case this was a date. She hummed as she ran shampoo through her blonde hair and thought about what Trixie might say if she invited her over. She often forgot that inviting Trixie over wouldn't immediately tell Trixie that she liked her. She dressed in a short black skirt and a flannel shirt and her comfiest pair of ankle boots. She layered a coat on, anticipating the winds of autumn.

It was 6:17, and Katya had promised to meet Trixie at a restaurant a few blocks over by 7. Katya looked in the mirror and smoothed her outfit, running her hands down her blouse. She had applied a little more makeup than usual, she was wearing red lipstick that she had bought on a shopping trip with Trixie a few weeks back, which was the last time they'd seen each other in person.

Katya sighed and moved out to her back porch, a small concrete patio where she'd made herself a nice spot to smoke. She resigned that she'd brush her teeth before leaving to see Trixie.

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