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Katya woke up to the warm sunlight peeking trough the blinds and the smell of Trixie's perfume. She reached her hand across the bed, finding Trixie still sleeping, buried under the duvet.

"Mornin," Trixie mumbled sleepily.

"Morning, baby," Katya hummed. "You want breakfast?"

"Uh-hmm. I'm hungry." Trixie had rolled over to keep the sun out of her eyes.

Katya padded down the hall to the kitchen and hummed to herself. She fried eggs just as Trixie liked, and smiled to herself. Just as Katya finished breakfast, Trixie was walking down the hall to Katya. The kitchen smelled like eggs and syrup. Trixie hummed to Katya and she smiled up at Trixie.

Katya slid a plate of food across the counter as Trixie sat down. She'd made eggs and fresh waffles, just as Trixie liked.

"Mmm," Trixie giggled "iss really good," Trixie mumbled with a mouthful of food.

Katya sat beside her at the little breakfast bar as they ate.


"Mmhm," She hummed. She had syrup on her lip.

"Can I, I wanna tell you something."

"What is it?" Katya stayed calm on the outside, but Trixie's question made her nervous. She had butterflies in her stomach.

"I love you." Katya's breath hitched and she smiled at Trixie.

"I love you too, Trix." Trixie breathed a sigh of relief and smiled back at Katya, leaning in to plant a sticky kiss on her cheek.

"Shit, I have work today." Trixie was eating the last of her waffle as Katya cleaned up the kitchen.

"Oh, babe, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's okay, I'm not late or anything. I go in at two." She shuffled back to Katya's bedroom. She found herself in one of Katya's big tee shirts and remembered that her clothes were still in the living room.

Trixie was back at work, tending the bar and thinking about the night before. She pulled her phone out and her friend Kim had texted her.

K: how'd the date go?

T: really good actually

K: good!!

Trixie smiled down at her phone. She hadn't seen Kim in a while since she lived a few hours away. She was always grateful of how encouraging Kim was about everything Trixie did.

T: thanks for checking up. I love you.

K: love you too.

Trixie woke up early the next day. It was Monday and she was off work until ten that night. Her thoughts immediately traveled to Katya and their night together. She reached for her phone on her nightstand and messaged her.

T: I don't have to work until tonight. want to come to my place?

Katya messaged Trixie back embarrassingly quick but Katya had stopped caring.

K: of course. I'll be there in 30?

T: perfect.

Trixie was glad she had time to clean up before Katya came over. She took a shower and let the hot water run over her. Her head was filled with Katya, just thinking about their night together made her wet.

Trixie was curled up on her sofa when she heard a knock at the door. Her heart leaped, Katya was ten minutes late.

"Sorry I'm late," Katya huffed, immediately discarding her coat and purse by the door. "There was so much traffic."

"It's okay." Trixie kissed Katya on the cheek and returned to her spot on the sofa. Katya joined her, nestling into the blanket.

"I have something to ask you too. Since were, well, were together now, I mean we have been, uh." Katya looked at her hands in her lap. "I have more money than I know what to do with. I wish I could see you all the time. You could quit your job, if you wanted, and we, um..." Katya trailed off looking up for Trixie's response, hoping more than anything she'd be happy, but Trixie looked sad.

"I don't wanna live off your money. I'm not gonna do that. I like my job and I know it means I can't spend as much time with you but maybe that's better. You should leave I have to go to work."

Katya was silent. Her head was spinning and she was terrified.

"I'm only a year younger than you, I can make my own money, I'm not helpless."

"I'm not- I'm not saying that." Katya could feel her eyes filling with tears. "I didn't mean- maybe I should go we can talk about this when you don't have to work." Trixie sat on the couch, unmoving as Katya pulled her coat on and then she was gone. The woman Trixie loved was gone.

She couldn't bring herself to move from the couch, pulling her phone out of her pocket, she called in sick to work. She finally moved from the couch only to nestle back in with a bottle of wine. She sat there crying and sipping from the bottle. All she wanted was to text Katya, to make up with her, and have her with her again. If only she'd reacted differently, they could have a life together, A home, and Trixie realized that was all she wanted.

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