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I kiss her one last time before I tell her I've got to leave," my friends waiting for me." I tell her and start to walk away from her fixing my hair and shirt.

"Wait, don't you want my number or something?" She asks me. I turn to face her, hair is a mess her once flat ironed perfect shirt is wrinkled to no end.

I smirk at her before I speak "If I want to contact you I'll find a way." I tell her, giving her a slight wave, and head for the back field of the school, where Jason, I and Eric all hang out, sometimes Erica girlfriend Jessica is thee too but not always, she doesn't like me much, the whole can't handle commitment an plays with girls of the school calling the toys all the time she says it's "disgusting". As soon and I step foot on the grass I see them all sitting at our normal picnic table, great Jessica is here today.

"Look who just made our." Jason says looking at the state of me. He somehow can always tell, plus since I wasn't out her right away with everyone else I was obviously let's say, preoccupied. I take a seat next to Jason and give him a smirk. "Who is it this time? That girl from this morning?"

I wince at the thought. Through my entire next class, that I did indeed attend, I managed to push her to the back of my mind then I grabbed some freshmen, I think, in the hall and dragged her away to her dreams all in an attempt to forget. "No, some freshman I think, Rachel or Riley or something like that." I say stealing a few of Jason's fries and shoving them in my mouth. The school doesn't have the best fries, but they're not to bad. Definitely not worth the 3.75

"What happened to Kate?" Jessica asks me almost disappointed

I shrug stealing a few more fries, Jason shooing me away. "Got board." I tell her honestly. Eric glares at me. He hates when I talk like this around Jessica. He never hears the end of how he is friend with such a guy like me. But he sticks around, like Jason, we've been friends since like forever.

"Ugh, Dustin are you serious? That's disgusting. I though you were actually going to mature with her you know. A month and a half. That's a long time." She rolls her eyes at me and throws her hands in the air.

"What can I say?" I tell her truthfully. White a smirk plastered across my face"She wasn't my type." I can tell jessica hatred the comment. She starts to stand up from the table.

"Like anyone is." She scoffs and looks to Eric. "I'm going over to Jill and them. Have fun with your friends." She kisses him on the cheek. "Bye Jason." She smiles, "Dustin." She glares at me. I give a small wave as she turns around to walks away.

"Dude, you know she hates that." Eric says to me.

"Dude you know I don't like her that much. I mean for you she's great, you guys and are really nice to each other but her and I just clink you know." I say, as I've said to Eric many many times before.

"Anyway, girl form this morning... Jason told me about her during second period." He says. I glare at Jason and he adverts his eyes to his lunch away from mine.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"Spill, who is she?" Eric asks

" I don't know. But.." then I see her, over at a picnic table across the yard. She's sitting by herself reading. I stare for a moment to make sure it's actually her then without even thinking I stand up and start making my way over to her.

"Dustin?" I hear Jason and Eric say from behind me. I don't respond. I'm at her table in no time. I sit down across from her. She looks up from her book for a second and then puts her Bookmark in, closing and lowering the book.

"Can I help you?" She says clearly annoyed that I had interrupted her.

"Uh... I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out sometime or something?" I say, how dumb. I didn't know what else to say.

"Not really." She say and takes a sip of her water bottle. "I'm not really into being your next girl toy if that's alright with you?" She says very annoyed now.

"No no, I just..." I start not really knowing what I want to say. "To be honest I just want to be friends, nothing else, nothing more, just friends." I say. And I figure out I think that is what that feeling was. I've never wanted to be friends with a girl. I mean she's pretty yes but I don't do relationships and I don't want to hurt her or play with her.

"Dustin Fox wants to be friends with me?" She laughs slightly like its some kind of joke.

"What? Is that so hard to believe ?" I ask not sure if I'm offended or not.

"Kinda yeah." Least she's honest.

"At least give me a chance. I've got some friend qualities." She takes a minute to think. " we can hang out after school or something today?"

She shakes her head. "I can't, I've got to pick up my brother from school."

"I can drive you. Does he go to the public school about 10 minutes from here?" I ask her.

"I have a car but thanks." She says simply then takes her book and her trey and goes on her way. I stand back up and walk back to my original table with Eric and Jason.

"Ouch." Jason says from beside me as I sit down. Putting my head in my hands.

"She doesn't even want to be friends, dude you were even pushed out of the friends zone." Jason and Eric high five and laugh about my embarrassment.

"Shut up." I yell at them angrily. I should have expected this.

"Dude calm down, you're Dustin Fox, you always get what you want."

~ ~ ~

"Thanks for giving me a ride home, I hate taking the town bus." Rachel, Riley, something says from my passenger seat. She somehow found me in the parking lot after school had let out and unfortunately I couldn't resist and I had to kiss her, what can I say she pretty hot for a freshman. So because I'm not a complete jerk I offered her a ride home.

"No problem, not like I've got anywhere to go." I say. I take my phone out to text Jason, I had to let him know I might be a little more then late to our study session tonight. He practically begged me at the end of math to go over and help him figure out what he is supposed to be doing. Being the Great friend I am, I said sure after about half an hour of begging and pleasing.

Just as I'm about to start the car. I see that girl from this morning and lunch. She was grabbing her bag from the passenger side of some old car. She slammed the door shut and started to walk to the side walk.

"Uh.. sorry change of plans." I said to the freshman in my passenger seat.

"What?" She asks confused.

"My mom needs me home right away, I don't have time to drive you home sorry." I say to her. Her face is hurt and sad, I don't really care, it's not like I'm leaving her stranded. She can take the city bus home like she was originally going to. She grabs her backpack somewhat angrily and reached to open the door. I grab her left arm and spin her towards me. I kiss her quick so she knows that I'm not exactly done with her. I pull away and se a smile on her face.

"See you tomorrow Dustin." She says still smiling away. She opens the door and gets out.

"Yeah whatever." I wave as she closes the door. I turn on my car and slowly drive over to where the girl from earlier was now walking. I slow down and roll my window down. She hasn't made it to the sidewalk yet. "Hey?" I start " I thought you had a car." I say somewhat sarcastically.

"I do... did." She sighs." It died on me." She says.

"Offer to drive you home still stands." I tell her driving slowly beside her.

"I have to pick up my brother." She says without looking over.

"Okay I can drive you to pick him up then drive you home." I say.

She stops walking then just takes a deep breath." I'm fine thank you." She says giving me a very forced smile, then starts walking again.

"Doll it's like a twenty minute walk." I say making a good point. She stops mid step and turns around. She walks over to my passenger side seat and opens the door taking a seat inside shoving her bag beside her feet.

"Fine but just to my brothers school. We can walk home from there. It's not that far." She says, I knew she would cave. I always get what I want.

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