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I think there is a reason things happen. As much as I hate it there is a reason Hadley and I broke up. It's kinda hard for me to believe right now because as I sit here in my bed starting at the ceiling, I realize I could have protected Hadley better if I was with her. I broke up with her to protect her from the troubles that I come with. Though as I think about it... I'm also very powerful and could protect her from many other things. Inevitably that's not what played through. So there must be a reason for that . I'm just having a hard time coming up with that reason right now.

"Dustin?" My mother asks as she opens my bedroom door slightly with the tiniest knock.

"Mom I'm not really in the mood to be talking right now."

She opened the door a little more to step in a little. "Dustin please you can not stay in here all day."

I roll my eyes, I think she's forgetting that only a short while ago she was staying in her office 24/7 and never coming out. "This coming from you is a real one mom."

"What is that supposed to mean Dustin?"

"I just find it a little funny that the woman that was constantly in her room all the time is telling me one got to leave mine." I laugh a little staring back at the celling.

"Dustin, there is no need for that. I'm your mother and I know I haven't been the best one for a while but I'm trying." She says. "Now please come out of your room, you can not spend all your days in here mopping around."

"That's okay, I'm quite content in my sanctuary of solidarity." I hear her scoff and close my door. I give her props for trying.

I sit up and look around my room quickly, it's a mess. I probably should get up and do something about it. It's actually discussing. I've got dirty laundry all over the floor. About fifty thousand water bottles and I think something has grown on a plate of... whatever it is. Sighing I decided it's probably best to clean up. A clean room leaves for a clean mind. And right now mines a messy place. Perhaps cleaning my room will be a good starting point.

As I pick up my cloths and put them in the corner basket I realize how bad I've let my room get. I honestly didn't even think I owned this many clothes. Maybe I should donate some stuff. After I'm done with the clothes I start to pick up the endless amount of water bottles. Arms full I walk them to the kitchen and toss them in the blue bin.  Turn around to head back to my room and face my mother.

"Dustin! How nice to see you out and about!" She's says chipper

"Yeah whatever." I say trying to pass her. She puts a hand out and stops me dead  in my tracks. "What?" I ask annoyed.

"It's only 10 o'clock." She says I look at her confused, glancing down I see her holding my backpack.

"Oh no way, I'm not going mom, I don't feel like it." I say pushing past her and walking town towards my room.

"Dustin!" She scolds at me. "I'm putting my foot down and calling the mom card."

I roll my eyes and check my pocket for my phone, then when I find it's there I grab my bag from my mothers hand and walk to the door. I stop at the bowl we keep keys and glance for mine. They aren't there. I check my pockets but they aren't there either. "Mom do you..." I start as I turn around to look at her and find her standing there keys in hand.

I walk over to take the keys and she clasps her hand around them. "I'm driving you Dustin. I'm not letting you anywhere near your car until you prove you'll actually go where you say."

"Mom you have got to be kidding me!" I almost yell. "I'll go to school okay now let me have my keys." I reach for them again and she moves her hand further from me. "Come on!"

"Quit your tantrum and lets go." She sternly speaks as she points to the door. I roll my eyes before walking out the door and sadly taking a seat in the passenger side.

I rest my arm on the door and stare out the window watching sights and other cars pass. I refuse to look at my mother right now. I was going to go to school, eventually.

My mom finally pulls in front of the school and I get out of the car. I give her a little wave as I walk slowly to the door, I was hoping she would drive off and I could just leave. No luck, she jut kept starring at me. Maybe I could go in them head out the back door? It's my only option. So I walk right into the school. Honestly even if I wanted to go, I am so lost to time that I don't know where I'm supposed to be. I start making my way to the far door. I was one turn away and only paces from freedom when I hear my name being called from behind me.

"Mr. Fox? Nice to see you decided to show up to school today."

Dam it, I've got math. I cringe a little at my ignorance do avoid every class I have in case it was that class I was supposed to be in. I'm such an idiot, in more ways then one unfortunately. I turn slowly on my heals and meet the face of my math teacher.

"I think you've been away too long Mr.Fox, you kissed the classroom." He says.

"Uh yeah, must be that. Listen I was just... uh... going to my locker then coming back."

He stands with his arm open gesturing towpaths the open classroom. "That's quite alright Dustin, you can bring in your bag, it does have all you'll need after all."

I sigh and pass by him giving him a sad smile. I walk into the room and everyone watches me as I sit down at my seat beside Jason.

The teacher notices and speaks up."class back to work please." So everyone hesitantly goes back to their worksheets and calculators. The teacher walks to my table and placed a worksheet on the tabletop then walks away.

I reach into my bag and pull out a pencil. I can just feel Jason beside me, not knowing if he should say something. So I'm about to say something as I start to do the first word problem when he decides to speak up.

"How you holding up?" He lifts his eyes from his paper to look at me. I shrug and continue to work things out on the paper in front of me. "Dustin I'm glad you decided to come back to school I think it will be good for you."

"I didn't decide, my mother did." I speak.

"Let me guess you didn't drive yourself?" He said with a small smile. He knows me well.

"How'd you guess?" I smile a little, I actually think my mother was right, Jason too. This is probably good for me.

"Because there is no way in hell you would voluntarily go to school at a time like this." He laughs and I punch him in the arm.

"Hey I do care about my education!" I start to laugh.

"Boys!" Teacher man yells from the front of the class. We both look up to see him given us a glare.

"Sorry sir" Jason laughs out his apology.

I fake serious for a minutes "yes sir truly sorry." He shakes his head and looks back down to his computer. I look at Jason and we both muffle our laughs. "Thanks Jason, I really needed this."

"Math class? I don't know man when it comes to math you're literally boss."

"No. This" I say pointing between him and I. "I should have let you help more earlier. I'm sorry"

He places a hand on my shoulder and just nods. Then he goes back to his work. We work in silence for  a while.

"Hey Dustin?" I look over to see his sheet a mess. "Think you can help me out here?" He nervously laughs.

"No problem." Got to be thankful for friends like Jason.

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