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"Do you hate me or something?" I ask as I drive out of the school parking lot. No name girl siting to my right. Her head rested on her seat nicely, she looks like the seat was built with her in mind.

"Why would you think that." She asks me. Surprisingly not sarcastic at all. Like she's offended I'd even had the thought.

"Well you were willing to walk all the way to the elementary school to pick up your brother rather then let me give you a ride." I smile to her. She turns her head to look out the window, avoiding eye contact.

"I don't hate you, how can I? I don't even know you." She says. That throws me through a loop. She doesn't know me? She obviously knows me if she's aware of how long I've been attending this school. Plus I am the guy of the place how can she not know me.

"But you know how long I've been going here? You must know me." I say like I'm trying to defend myself or something. I can't believe she is trying to tell me she doesn't know me. She must hate me and is trying to make a story, yet she has crossed her stories and they no longer make sense.

"I do," she starts and looks back over at me. "I know of you, I don't know you." She says simply, over enunciating the know.

I don't even know how to respond to that." Uh..."

"Listen Dustin I know you're the rich hot guy. I know how you play with girls like their are just a cabbage-patch doll. I know you name." She huffs out, taking me by surprise. "That's all I know, so technically I know of you I don't know you."

What? Okay I get where she is coming from but I'm like a book, kinda. Okay I have my secrets but if she knows all that then she does practically know me. "You know all that right, that's all there really is to know about me. Congratulations you officially know me." I say like she's won a prize.

"No I don't. I don't think many do actually know you. We've all got secrets Fox, you are no acceptation." She says to me organizing herself with her bag as we pull into the driveway of the elementary school.

"So you've got secrets too," I say, not really knowing where I was going with it. "What are yours?" I ask stupidly, like she's actually gonna tell me.

"They are secrets for a reason Fox. I like to keep it that way." I pull up at the curb to the front door. Her little brother must have seen her through the font window, he was already running outside. He was cute, looked like he was in grade 1 or 2 maybe, got the blondest hair. The girl gets out of the car says thanks and closes the door. I roll down the window to say you're welcome. Before I can get my words out her brother is running to give her a hug and she kneels to his level.

"Hadley!" He yells in every range of excitement.

"Hey buddy." She says smile plastered on her face. "Sorry I'm a bit late, my car broke down, you're okay to walk home from here right." I'm about to say through the window that I can drive them.

"Yay I like walking!" He says even more excited.

Hadley, I presume is her name, takes his hand after standing back up " thanks again for the ride Dustin."

"Anytime Hadley." I say and she closes her eyes.

"I'm one secret closer doll." She giggles slightly with a roll of her gorgeous blue eyes, and starts to walk away with her brother. I stay stationary for a while. Picking my brain for if I've known her for long. She's obviously known me. I don't know her last name, but at least I have her first name and a face.

            ~                     ~                  ~
"Bout time you showed up" Jason says head laying on his kitchen table top, paper everywhere and I can see a lot of erasing has been taking place. The poor guy is so confused. "Where have you been, don't tell me you took the freshmen home ..." he mumbles to the the table. "If you picked some freshman over me, your struggling friend, I'm going to be upset."

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