♥ DJ Yonder & Calamity (Fluff)

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She stood outside in line with her arms folded across her chest to keep for warmth. The night was beautiful and the air crisp and so chilly it made her shiver. Perhaps Calamity didn't choose the best outfit, but she was one for making a statement in whatever she threw on.
She wasn't in the highest of moods lately either and the feeling of home sickness buried itself in the pit of her stomach. Fable and Dire had convinced her to join them for the night at a club they had found.

"You're gonna love it Calamity! The drinks are great and the music is pretty sweet." Fable assured her as they moved up closer to the entrance. "I also heard they got a DJ for a gig tonight, maybe we can dance a little? I know you got some pretty good moves Cammie." She wiggled her hips a little and winked at the cowgirl.

Calamity rolled her eyes and made a small smile, "Heh, yeah. After a few drinks first."

Once the three made their way in, Calamity was mesmerized by the place. It was dim and loud, adding to the lively ambience. The strobe lights were bright and made her eyes squint when she looked directly at them; and the bass was blaring and created a rhythm that strummed deep within her chest as she progressed further into the place. She squeezed herself between sweating bodies, people dancing looked to be as if they were entangled together, neon signs aligned the walls, a high ceiling with an added balcony where more people stood about drinking and sitting in booths. It wasn't anything she was familiar with back home.

"Hey let's grab some drinks this way, Dires paying." Fable winked at him, playfully nudging him on the side.

He shook his head with a knowing grin playing across his lips, "Fine, I'll pay. You owe me one though."

Calamity fixed her eyes at the long lit up bar ignoring the two, grabbing a seat and sitting herself upon the bar stool. Fable began speaking to the bar tender residing on the other side of the counter. Calamity propped her face upon her hands as her elbows rested on the counter. The moment she recieved her drink she took it with a delightful nod and amplified her voice to say thank you over the crowd to Dire who returned a nod. As she brought the lip of the glass to her mouth, Calamity then heard the crowd of people in the dance area roar as someone started to make their way into the bar and to the stage. A man decked in a teal hood with pants that flashed vibrantly like the multicolor lights of the dance floor appeared. But what grasped her attention the most was the chrome helmet in the shape of the all-too-popular loot Llama. It was an interesting sense of style, but it looked unique and definitely caught her eyes.

"Oh! Hey it's DJ Yonder! I heard of this guy, they say his DJ-ing is out of this world." Fable shouted uncontrollably, throwing her arms on Calamity's shoulder. "Let's go dance!"

"Outta this world huh?" Calamity glanced from the DJ to Fable. She then took one swig from her glass, "I ain't buzzed yet but what the hell. Let's go for it." She chuckled fixing her hat.

As the girls made their way to join the crowded floor they could already hear the music the DJ began to work up. In doing so, he spoke into the mic with a small greet and comment to get the people hyped and wiggling in their place.

He couldn't lie to you, he was one of the best disc jockeys on this Island. While he was humble, he was proud of his skill. He had coined the name DJ Yonder and his music was something truly unqiue. Only his hands worked the magic into the booth he stood before and there was something of an immense feeling that bolted right through him when he placed his fingers on the discs and switches. It was unlike anything else in the world. He played for the audience rather than for himself, for his music spiked a story within the inner beat of his heart for all to hear. He was in touch with the dance floor and he could definitely see it as the people moved with the music.
Bobbing his head to the sounds he was creating, he'd look up every few moments to the floor. But Yonder made a double-take and looked to a lady in the heart of the crowd. She caught his attention the moment he set his eyes on her as she moved in a way that was different from the rest. Time seemed to slow as he watched, her short wavy pink hair swayed and bounced around tanned shoulders as she tucked it behind her ears multiple times just for it to fall back. She had a huge smile painted across her face and something about her was exceptionally gorgeous... and for a second, Yonder's heart skipped a beat...as did his fingers. He jumped to quickly correct his mistake and felt his face grew hot in hopes no one catched the sudden hault. He couldn't help but glance at her every so often after, careful not to pause again. He felt a smile different from his usual one growing on his lips from beneath the mask as his fingers grazed across the discs.

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