Chapter V(5)

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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Firestar yowled out. Soon cats began to walk towards the Highrock and sit down. Brambleclaw noticed that four warriors were flanking Ashfur on all sides of him, three of them holding a thick vine in their teeth. Today we are gathered here for two things." Two apprentices have shown great agility, bravery, and courage yesterday by fighting alongside their mentors against a traitor amongst us who will have trial after the naming ceremony." Firestar meowed. Murmured agreement rippled through the clan. "Goldenpaw, step forward."Firestar meowed before leaping off of Highrock and stand before his apprentice. "Goldenpaw, do you swear to defend your clan and uphold the warrior code even though it may cost you your life?" Firestar meowed pausing to let the golden tabby she-cat answer. "I do." Goldenpaw meowed. Firestar rested his chin on her head. "Then by the power of Starclan invested in me, you will be known as Goldenheart, for your bravery and bright mind. Thunderclan welcomes you as a full warrior." Firestar meowed and Goldenheart licked her leader's shoulder in respect. "Honeypaw step forward." Firestar meowed waiting patiently for the young apprentice. Honeypaw stood in front of him and gazed at his emerald green eyes with pure confidence. Honeypaw, do you swear to defend your clan and uphold the warrior code even though it may cost you your life?" The flame colored tom meowed. "I do" Honeypaw meowed not moving her amber gaze. "Then by the powers of Starclan invested in me you will be known as Honeyfoot, for your gentleness and fierceness." Firestar meowed as he laid his chin on her head and she licked her leader's shoulder. "Thunderclan welcomes you as a full warrior." Firestar meowed leaping back up onto Highrock. "Goldenheart!" "Honeyfoot!"
The clan chanted, but remained where they were. "I had also found out that Jayfeather has gotten a mild case of greencough last night so his apprentice, Hollypaw had to help my sister, Rosetail deliver her four kits. Whose names are Cometkit, Deerkit, Lightningkit, and Fawnkit. Now onto the matter of Ashfur's trial for attempted murder of Squirrelflight's daughter." Firestar meowed. The clan cats parted for Ashfur who was flanked on all sides by Cloudtail, Brambleclaw, Dustpelt, and Whitewing. Dustpelt and Whitewing were on either side of the viscous tom holding a thick vine in their mouths that was wrapped around his muzzle so he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone, while Brambleclaw held a vine that was wrapped around his middle and was behind the tom. Cloudtail was leading them to the base of Highrock. "Ashfur did you or did you not take a 3 moons old kit out of camp territory and took her over Shadowclan's border with us and tried to kill Squirrelflight's kit?" Firestar meowed in an eerie calmness. Brambleclaw took the vine off of the tom's muzzle to let him answer. "Yes, and I was planning on killing that stupid kit and blame Shadowclan for the kit's death, but your mouse-brained daughter and pathetic foxdung of a mate had to go and spoil my plan!" Ashfur yowled getting into a fighting crouch Brambleclaw quickly flattened the tom by pouncing on top of the angry tom and quickly muzzled him with the vine and Swifttail quickly wrapped a vine around Ashfur's paws which were then held down by a few heavy boulders. "Thunderclan, if you wish for Ashfur to be exiled out of Thunderclan territory and would like me to warn the other clans of this traitor, yowl out as loud as you can." Firestar meowed once Ashfur was secured. The entire clan except for Ashfur, let out a powerful yowl. "Then it's settled. Ashfur you are exiled out of Thunderclan territory and to never ever set foot here again for your ambitious and murderous antics." Firestar yowled, the clan following suit.
"Cats that are going to the Gathering come to Highrock when you hear your name." Brambleclaw meowed. Adderfang, Spiderleg, Honeyflower, Goldenheart, Sandstorm, Hollyfern, Foxleap Cloudtail Spiderleg, Briarlight, Leafpool, Eaglepaw, Larkpaw, Lionblaze, Tawnyspots, and Brackenfur. The cats began to walk towards the Thunderclan deputy who called them to go to the Gathering tonight. Brambleclaw noticed that Hollyfern had a sad expression on her face when she walked out of the medicine cat's den. Brambleclaw sighed and walked over to Jayfeather's apprentice. "Hollyfern, what's wrong?" Brambleclaw meowed gently. "Hollyfern sighed softly before answering. "You know that Jayfeather had a mild case of greencough last night?" Hollyfern mewed softly. Brambleclaw sighed softly, "Yeah you told me" the tabby warrior meowed. "Well turns out that it wasn't just a mild case of greencough." Hollyfern mewed. "It wasn't?" Brambleclaw meowed puzzled. Just then Leafpool came up to him. "She's right Brambleclaw. Jayfeather did have a mild case of greencough but with it he also had pneumonia which in medicine cat terms does not go together and can cause death quickly." Leafpool meowed. "So your saying that Jayfeather is dead?" Brambleclaw questioned. "Yes, I had gone to him to let him know that I'm proud of him and his siblings and finally getting an apprentice. But, he also said that he forgave me, Crowfeather, and Squirrelflight for deceiving him and his siblings, before he passed." Leafpool meowed. I'll let Firestar know on the way to Four Trees." the Thunderclan deputy meowed, before walking off.

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