Chapter IV(4)

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"Congratulations on your apprenticeship Sparrowpaw, Yellowpaw, Shrewpaw, Volepaw, and Featherpaw your parents must be proud of you" Squirrelflight congratulated. "We are" Millie meowed coming up to them. "Well what do I have here?" a very familiar voice meowed, Squirrelflight whipped around and was met with a familiar grey tom with darker flecks and blue eyes. "Ashfur... what are you doing here I thought my father exiled you?" Squirrelflight hissed. "Yes, that may be true but I told him I've changed and that I want to make amends." Ashfur meowed. "Fine, but stay away from me, Brambleclaw and my kits" Squirrelflight spat before going to the nursery and disappeared into it. "Squirrelflight has kits?" Ashfur murmured to himself suddenly a yowl echoed through the camp from the nursery and Squirrelflight bolted out racing towards the medicine cat's den. A few heartbeats later she was out with Jayfeather and a black she-cat following at her heels, and then disappearing into the nursery. The black she-cat went over to a golden tabby tom with a smile on her face. They then rushed back to the nursery, a few heartbeats later the golden tabby warrior went to the Firestar's den. Ashfur then saw the warrior emerge with the Thunderclan leader. He watched as the leader jumped up on to the Highrock yowl out, "All cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Ashfur followed his clanmates to sit down beneath the Highrock. Firestar looked around before speaking. "Today Thunderclan has some new kits that joined Thunderclan. Cinderheart has given birth to three healthy kits their names are Falconkit, Sunkit, and Cherrykit. It has also come to my attention that I didn't introduce my own daughter's eight kits." Firestar meowed pausing when the cats began to murmur amongst themselves. He then raised his tail to signal them to be quiet, Firestar then continued, "Squirrelflight's kits' names are Squirrelkit, Frostkit, Snowkit, Pinekit, Ceaderkit, Dapplekit, Willowkit, and Bluekit" Firestar meowed pausing before continuing. "We also have a former clanmate rejoining us. Ashfur step up towards the Highrock to renew your warrior code. Ashfur stepped up towards the Highrock and Firestar jumped down and looked him in the eye and said "Ashfur, do you swear to defend and protect your clan even if it will cost you your life?" Firestar meowed pausing to let Ashfur answer. "I do" Ashfur meowed his gaze not wavering. "Then by the power of Starclan invested in me, Thunderclan welcomes you as a full renewed warrior Firestar meowed as he rested his chin on Ashfur's head and Ashfur licked his leader's shoulder as a sign of respect. "Ashfur!" "Ashfur!" the clan cats chanted while some gave him hostile stares. Ashfur went over to the nursery and was met with Firestar's daughter's little look alike. "Why hello there, what is your name? I'm Ashfur"
the kit looked up at the blue eyed warrior with her bright mismatched eyes,"I'm Squirrelkit!" Squirrelkit mewed proudly puffing up her tiny chest. "Squirrelkit eh? Well have you been outside the camp yet Squirrelkit?" Ashfur asked gently, an awful plan forming in his head. "No. I'm not allowed to" the tiny ginger she-kit mewed. "Well did your mother tell you that when she was a kit she snuck out of camp and made it to the Shadowclan border before Firestar or Sandstorm found her? Ashfur lied. "No! But I would like to-" the kit was cut off by Squirrelflight who was coming out of the nursery. "Squirrelkit! Come inside it's time for you to get some sleep." The ginger queen scolded gently, okay momma, but can I please play with my moss ball before bed?" Squirrelkit mewed innocently. Squirrelflight looked at her daughter and sighed. "Yes you may but only inside the nursery where Aunt Rosetail can watch you" Squirrelflight meowed sternly. "Yes momma!" the tiny kit squealed before running back inside. Squirrelflight looked at Ashfur. "I thought I told you stay away from my kits" Squirrelflight hissed you did but I just wanted to see them and my mother. Ashfur said taking a step towards the ginger queen. "Ferncloud doesn't want to see you" Squirrelflight spat taking a step back. "Oh come on Squirrelflight just let me in! Why are you making this so hard!?"Ashfur meowed lashing his tail and  flattening his ears as he advanced towards her. Squirrelflight found herself trapped between the nursery's wall and Ashfur. Squirrelflight looked around and heard a small voice,"Momma?" Squirrelkit mewed scared, "Well looks like I'll be able to make amends with you sooner than I thought." Ashfur meowed darkly getting ready to pounce, Squirrelflight saw this and jumped on him but missed landing on her side and saw Ashfur pick up Squirrelkit and looked at her with malice and hatred before taking off through the camp's entrance with the kit. Squirrelflight looked in horror at the entrance to the camp before letting out a blood curdling yowl, "SQUIRRELKIT!" the ginger queen yowled so loud that Firestar, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Sandstorm, and Rosetail came rushing towards the distraught queen. "Squirrelflight, sweetie, what's wrong?"Sandstorm asked her daughter gently, "H-he took my kit out of the c-camp." the ginger queen choked out. "Who Squirrelflight? Who took your kit?" Firestar meowed, claws unsheathed and tail lashing. "Squirrelflight looked blankly at the entrance, "Ashfur..." Squirrelflight answered quietly.
Meanwhile, Brambleclaw was on a border patrol and starting to head back to camp with Foxleap, Cloudtail, Adderfang, and Spiderleg, when they all heard a very loud yowl echo through the forest. "SQUIRRELKIT!" Brambleclaw was puzzled as to why his mate was yowled Squirrelkit's name "Squirrelkit? Why would Squirrelflight be calling our daughter's name so loud?" Brambleclaw meowed to himself, but his questions were answered when a familiar grey blur went by carrying a little ginger ball of fluff towards Shadowclan border. Brambleclaw then knew why: Ashfur stole the kit. Spiderleg, Adderfang, and, Cloudtail! Follow me to the Shadowclan border. Foxleap go back to camp and let Firestar know that me, Cloudtail, Adderfang and Spiderleg are going after Ashfur and that he's going to the Shadowclan border!" Brambleclaw ordered. "Yes. Sir!" Foxleap meowed nodding his head and bolting towards the camp. Brambleclaw the gave the others a flick of his tail and pelted towards Shadowclan's border, others following suit. Soon enough they saw Ashfur cornering the young kit with claws unsheathed. "Ashfur! Leave my daughter alone! What do you want with mine and Squirrelflight's daughter?!" Brambleclaw meowed concerned for his daughter's life since she was part of the prophecy. "Everything. Maybe if I kill her on Shadowclan territory, she'll blame Shadow-" Ashfur started but was cut off by a mottled tabby blur pinning him down away from the frightened kit. Brambleclaw knew who it was as soon as he heard the she-cat's voice. "Brambleclaw! get your daughter while I hold him down!" Tawnyspots yowled. Brambleclaw was quick to respond, Adderfang, Cloudtail, Spiderleg go help my sister with Ashfur!" Brambleclaw meowed as he rushed over to the frightened she-kit. "Daddy, I'm scared!" Squirrelkit mewed scared. "Shh I got you little one, Daddy's here shh" Brambleclaw meowed gently picking the ginger kit up by the scruff and bringing her safely to the Thunderclan side of the border. Brambleclaw saw that his patrol and Tawnyspots managed to get Ashfur unconscious and tied up with a thick vine Brambleclaw came over and set the kit down and got into a low crouch. "Squirrelkit, climb up on to my back so you can rest" Brambleclaw mewed softly. "Ok Daddy, and I'm sorry for scaring you and Momma." Squirrelkit mewed quietly as she climbed up on to her father and placed herself between the Thunderclan deputy's shoulders. Squirrelkit, sweetie don't be sorry your just a kit, you didn't know that was going to happen okay?" Brambleclaw mewed softly. "Yes, Daddy. I know but it's my fault, I should've just stayed inside the nursery like momma said. But my toy rolled outside and I went to go get it when I saw momma trapped between the nursery's wall and the mean grey cat. And if I hadn't spoken up when I saw that, Momma wouldn't have missed her jump, so it's still my fault for getting in this mess and I'm sorry for that." Squirrelkit explained as she choked on her words. Brambleclaw sighed softly before he spoke again. "Squirrelkit, you listen here. None of this was your fault you were just trying to get your toy that rolled out of the nursery and you saw your momma being cornerd and that's all that matters, okay baby? Daddy loves you so much and you know it too don't you?" Brambleclaw meowed gently, flicking his tail at her playfully. "Yes Daddy!" Squirrelkit mewed innocently.before settling down again. Brambleclaw chuckled and then turned his attention back to the others. "Spiderleg, Cloudtail, Adderfang take Ashfur back to camp and report to Firestar to let him know that Squirrelkit is safe and that we'll be having a visitor joining us from Shadowclan." the deputy ordered. All three toms nodded and Cloudtail and Adderfang picked up the still unconscious Ashfur while Spiderleg led them back to camp. The tabby warrior then turned back to his sister. "Thank you for helping me with Ashfur Tawny" Brambleclaw meowed gratefully. "Anything for my brother and his daughter and I guess my niece?." Tawnyspots meowed looking over Brambleclaw's shoulder at the tiny ginger kit who was asleep at the moment. Brambleclaw let a mrrow of amusement out. "Not only is this one your niece but you have six more nieces and only one nephew." Brambleclaw meowed as they began to walk towards Thunderclan camp. "Brambleclaw, there's something that I want to ask you about," Tawnyspots meowed slowly. "Sure. What is it?" the tabby warrior meowed shifting his weight so his daughter didn't fall off. "You know how I went to live with Dad in Shadowclan?" Tawnyspots meowed slowly. "Yeah that was hard for me and Mom" Brambleclaw mewed. "Well I was forced to go with him because he said that if I didn't, I wouldn't live to see the next day." Tawnyspots meowed. Brambleclaw stopped when he heard that "Dad said that?" Brambleclaw meowed, completely off guard. "Yeah, but when Scourge killed him, I felt free. But I couldn't leave just like that, so I decided to wait until Shadestar got back from the Moon pool to ask her if I could go back home to Thunderclan. But apparently it took longer than expected because a few moons later I'm pregnant with my mate, Seedclaw's kits. So I decided to wait until they were born but I still haven't gotten to speak with her so maybe you and Firestar could ask her for me instead." Tawnyspots meowed. "Are you wanting me and Firestar to go talk with Shadestar so you can get to see your nieces and nephew, correct?" Brambleclaw teased as they began walking quickly as possible so they don't cause suspicion. Tawnyspots gave mrrow of amusement." Yes you caught me. But that's not the only reason." Tawnyspots meowed. "What do you mean Tawny?" Brambleclaw meowed seriously. He watched as Tawnyspots showed him her left side, there was a deep cut on her shoulder. "Tawnyspots grab Squirrelkit- " Brambleclaw meowed but was cut off by his sister. "Brambleclaw, I'm fine Jayfeather can patch it I'm sure. And look we're here." Tawnyspots meowed pointing her tail towards the ravine. The two siblings walked down the ravine and into the camp's clearing. Squirrelflight looked up at the entrance to the camp and saw her mate with Tawnyspots. The ginger queen went over to the two and started to ask about Squirrelkit. "Squirrelflight look on my back between the shoulders." Brambleclaw meowed gently. Squirrelflight gave him a puzzled look but looked on his back and saw a ginger kit curled up in a tight ball fast asleep. "Squirrelkit?" The ginger queen asked gently prodding the tiny ginger she-kit. Squirrelkit looked up at her mother with groggy eyes but brightened when she saw her mother and siblings. But her joy was short-lived when she saw the grey warrior who tried to kill her on Shadowclan's territory was waking up and was struggling with his bonds that held him down. "Momma, Daddy...." Squirrelkit squeaked out scared once more. Squirrelflight spun around and saw Ashfur on his paws, claws unsheathed and hatred in his eyes. The grey tom let out an angry snarl and pounced. Suddenly another yowl echoed through the camp and a flashes of dark ginger, pale ginger, and tabby and white pelts jumped the unsuspecting tom soon Ashfur was unconscious again and Firestar, Sandstorm, Goldenpaw, Honeypaw, and Rosetail panting and bleeding from a few cuts. "I.... think..... it's time for another... naming ceremony and a trial... tomorrow morning before the Gathering" Firestar panted and looked towards his mate, deputy, daughters, grandchildren, sister, and deputy. They all nodded in agreement and went to their respective den and went to sleep: Firestar and Sandstorm to his den, Tawnyspots and Jayfeather to the medicine den leaving Squirrelkit, Squirrelflight, Rosetail and Brambleclaw in the clearing with Ashfur who was tied down to the warriors den and a thick vine was wrapped around his muzzle so he wouldn't bite the tethers holding him down. Brambleclaw looked to his tired mate and his daughter, he then looked at his mate's aunt. "Rosetail, is it possible that I can carry both Squirrelflight and Squirrelkit through the nursery's entrance?" Brambleclaw meowed. "I don't think so it's a pretty tight fit and I'm sure your exhausted as well so why don't you let me guide Squirrelflight in and then you can come inside and get comfortable behind her and spend the night in the nursery with my niece and I'll explain everything to Ferncloud, Cinderheart, and Daisy, o-" Rosetail was cut off by a sharp pain in her stomach. " Rosetail what's wrong?" Brambleclaw meowed concerned. "The kits are coming now...go... get... Jayfeather and... Foxleap" the tabby and white she-cat gasped walking slowly to the nursery with Squirrelflight following but the ginger queen paused and turned around and picked Squirrelkit up. "Go get Jayfeather and Foxleap. I'll take Squirrelkit inside and help Rosetail." Squirrelflight meowed around her daughter's scruff and then disappeared into the nursery. Brambleclaw rushed over to the warriors den and went inside and found Foxleap's curled body and prodded him awake. Foxleap lifted his head and blinked the sleep away and saw Brambleclaw. "Brambleclaw I'm trying to get some sleep" Foxleap grumbled. "Foxleap, you need to go to the nursery, Rosetail is having her kits." Brambleclaw meowed quietly to the grumpy tom. "Rosetail is having kits now?" Foxleap meowed quietly standing up. "Yes, now hurry up and get to the nursery while I get Jayfeather." Brambleclaw meowed impatiently. Foxleap took off towards the nursery while Brambleclaw went and got Jayfeather. "Jayfeather, Rosetail is having kits." But instead of Jayfeather coming out of the rock cleft, Jayfeather's apprentice, Hollypaw came out of the rock cleft. "Hollyfern, where's Jayfeather?" Brambleclaw meowed impatiently. "He got a mild case of greencough and doesn't want to give it Rosetail or the kits so I have to help her." Hollyfern meowed around the bundle of herbs in her mouth. Brambleclaw sighed softly before answering. "Okay, but hurry" Brambleclaw meowed impatiently before turning around and going out of the medicine den to go curl up with Squirrelflight and their kits.

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