Chapter 5 : Fateful Encounter

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Sharon P.O.V

"Here's our seat.I'll take the inner row."Dancy mumbles as she went to the inner side of the row. Seeing that, she makes herself comfortable with the outer seat of the row. Her beanie and spectacle was in need of adjustment.

"Do you really need to travel first class?" she asked. Dancy was in charge of getting their ticket and she did not expected that she would get them a first class ticket.

"I didn't" she pouted comically. "Ours are the last tickets for the flight on call. And besides, this was the only flight available that time" she added. She looked around only to see that there were still a lot of empty seats in the first class area.

She smiled. She took out her camera and took some picture of night view from inside the plane before they take off. She could hear and see the hustle and commotions as the people make the way in for the flight.

She was just finished unpacking her book that she intended to read and putting away her hand carry luggage when the flight attendant made an announcement.

"Ladies and gentleman, this your Head of Crew speaking. I have an announcement to make before the cabin crew proceed with our safety briefing soon. A group of VIPs will be joining us tonight so it is a great hope that their privacy are respected as it is our priority and our best interest to ensure that our passengers are in good care and are comfortable during the flight. Please be informed that it is strictly prohibited to take any pictures or of any sort. We'll be monitoring. We ask for your understanding and cooperation. Have a pleasant night ahead. Thank you", ended the cabin crew in charge.

Upon listening to the announcement, Sharon feels a rush of adrenaline runs through her.

It's not what I think,right? It's must be quite impossible", she mumbles to herself. If VIPs, they'll travel first class

"VIPs? We're on the same flight with some VIPs. I wonder who. It's rarely that they make that kind of announcement." Dancy ponders and looking around. Suddenly she looked at her with this look as she was having an epiphany moment.

"Wait...those were the BTS fans out there earlier, right?" she added. "Do you think they'll board the same flight as us?"

She and Sharon looked at each other. But before she could answer her back, there was already a commotion in front and a bunch of people are making their way inside the plane. The flight attendants were busy attending them. The place was in a bit of hustle as some are showing the seats while some are arranging stuffs. Those people seem very busy managing and arranging their entourage and taking care of matters around them. Some even went straight to their own seat.

From distance, she spotted RM. He has this tall figure and indeed sent off this leader vibes to people around him. Even when she was not a hardcore fan, she knew the members. Then, one by one of the members appeared.

"It's really are them", Dancy whispered " Park Jimin must be among them," she added in a serious tone.

She looked at her and gave Dancy the don't-you-dare look. She was still adjusting her beanie and spectacle when a figure she knew appeared. He was wearing a beanie and has his shades on. He seems to be oblivious to his surroundings.

JimJim~ she said to herself. She thought he looked the best with that look.He was tall and slender and really do has this aura with him. He walked straight to his seatand passed her by without making any eye contact. From a far, she could see that he has already taken his seat and is arranging his belonging with the help of the staffs. She peek a little enough to see a glimpse of him. Their seats were quite far and there was no way that they will ever cross path, she thought.

He really does shine brightly now.

She thought to herself as she suddenly remembered what she said to him before he moved to Seoul. She was proud of him and where he is now. She looked at Dancy and the girl was already fangirling over those boys and stealing glances.

"Why don't you say hi to him? He must have remembered you", Dancy suddenly turned and look at her.

"Don't start. Don't you dare either" protested Sharon. She was a little worried as Dancy can come as a little spontaneous at times. She does not want any trouble and yet she thought it was the best if she leave him and them alone.

" Do you think we can get their autograph or something?" Dancy added, earning her the dagger look of the decade again.

"Alright ...alright...I give up" she raised her hand in surrendering. Actually, she had not has the intention to do so. But Dancy does feel a little excited about the prospect of her friend finally seeing Park Jimin. She used talk a lot about how she had missed her old buddies and often shares her storiesduring childhood and schooldays. So, she has this idea that Park Jimin and her was quite close back in the days. She did not understand why she did not want to take the chance to speak to him but she respected her. She must have had her reason she thought. She looked at her and the girl was already going through her camera, trying to be oblivious to her surroundings.Dancy knew that she has a lot on her mind and her heart is like having a flip over at the moment.

"Wow...those are pretty pictures", Dancy complimented, trying to distract her attention.

" Right ? It'll look better once i've added the contrast and resolution soon" she chipped in as she went through her camera.

" So, which edition is this?", Dancy added while going through some of the photos scattered on the table now. The plane has already well on its way flying them back home.

" 7th coming to 8th " she answered. Dancy smiled as she went through the picture along with her. She knew that Sharon has lots of collections and that photography have been her passion.

Sharon went through the pictures but deep inside, she was pretty much stirred. She did not expect to encounter Park Jimin even if she thought of it sometimes. She wanted to look at him but stopped herself from doing so. And she did not know why she hesitated. It is more like she did not know how reacted. But looking at them now, on the same plane heading back to Korea together! Talking about fateful encountered.

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