Chapter 6 : Truth Untold: It was Us

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Sharon P.O.V

It's been hours and Sharon beginning to have a jet legged. Luckily for her she did not have to come face to face with Jimin during the flight. It's almost like a blessing considering she was seating in the front area and need to walk pass his seat when she need to use the washroom. The areas are pretty much quiet as everyone is still asleep or is busy with their own matters.

As she continues with her reading, she suddenly heard a voice calling her name.

"Is that you Sharon?" echoed that voice.

She turned to that face the person standing in front of her and was greeted with a familiar face.

"Amy?" she said as she pretty much recognized the face.

"So it was you. I thought I have the wrong person"

Amy now motioned towards her and gave her a hug. This was not something that she had expected.

"What a pleasant surprise. Why are you here...I mean what are you doing here."

She stuttered and giggles happily as she embraces Amy. They both laughed. For a moment she forgot where she was.

"Oh, I nearly forgot, Amy this is my friend Dancy, Dancy this is Amy. "she introduces Amy and Dancy together.

"Hello... is this same Amy you mentioned? Your friend back in Barcelona.?" asked Dancy.She does find the face familiar.

"The one and only and yes before I moved back to Korea" chipped Amy.

Amy was happy to see her. They were neighbours for a while before she moved back to Seoul when she was a teenager.

"I'll let you two "said Dancy as she continue to focus on the movie she was watching knowing they have a lot to catch up.

"So, are you on a trip back or something to Korea?" asked Amy.

"No. I'm returning back to Korea. Finished my degree there. My family are back in Korea already"she explained. "You?"

"Isee. So you won't be staying in Spain anymore then?"

She nodded. She then continues

"Yes. At least. Hey... it's a nine hours flight and I only saw you now? Now that's weird" she asked.

"Probablythat is because I'm on my mask and everything "Amy added.

"Why? What's wrong? You're not sick or something, aren't you?" Daisy asked.

"Nope. Far fetch from that. In the pink to be exact." Amy stated.

"That's glad to know. Got me there for a second" she said.

"Job descriptions. Discretion. Just one of that job requirements .And I'm not supposed to tell people easily"Amy added.

"Oh, is it?" she answered. She quite did not get it and a little confused.

Amy leaned a little and showed her ID card to Sharon.

"You see... I'm with the boys. Working for an entertainment company" Amy added quietly.

Surprised, she continues

"You mean you're with the BTS and the entourage?" making her heart beats even faster.

"More like their coordinator. Been seven years now.

Astonished, even Dancy stopped watching television and turned to their direction.

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