This can't be goodbye (Klaine) Part 3

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Summary: Kurt still hasn't woken up after being ran down by a homophobic man. Blaine struggles to deal with the idea that Kurt may never wake up.

Takes place between season 6 episode 12 and 13 (Winter Break for Kurt's graduating year of NYADA), about a week after "Need to be close to you"/"I thought about it once Part 2" fic.

SPOILERS for season 6 episode 12.



They sat in that room for days. Burt and Carole took turns going home, showering and bringing new clothes for Blaine, who refused to leave Kurt's side. He would fall asleep in the chair, and just pace the room during the days.

People stopped by with flowers and prayers. Friends were in and out to see Kurt, but the days still dragged for Blaine. Time seem to stand still.

Kurt had slipped into a coma. No one knew if he would wake up.

"Hey." Burt says to Blaine. Blaine is still at Kurt's side. "Maybe you should head home for a bit, take a shower. Sleep in a bed tonight? I'll stay with him, and call you if anything changes."

Blaine seems to ignore the question, "Just a few days ago..." he says looking off into the distance as if he was looking into the past, "We were talking about the time Kurt considered suicide." he says blankly, "In high school. Before we met." He turns to Burt. "He told me he would never leave me..."

Then the doctor walks in, rubbing his hands together with sanitizer. "Hey, how are you guys?" No one answers. "I regret to inform you that nothing has changed. The good news nothing has gotten worse, he still has brain waves. The bad news is we don't know if he'll wake up, and if he does, with what damage. For now, we just have to wait."

Blaine nods. The doctor pauses before leaving, knowing there is nothing he can do to make it better. Blaine and Burt sit in silence. Blaine is hovering over Kurt, and he brushes Kurt's hair to the side every so lightly.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you.." Blaine starts to sing through light sobs.

"Say Something" by A Great Big World starts playing.

As Blaine continues to sing, he cries more and more until he breaks down sobbing over Kurt.

Then he abruptly gets up, pushing back his chair, and storms out of the room.


Blaine once again feels the cool air; this time the wind wrapping around his back. His legs dangle off the edge, and he looks down at the cars flying by, their headlights in the dark night.

"Blaine!" he hears a voice from behind him. He turns to see Burt, coming through the roof access door. "What are you doing up here bud?" Burt asks cautiously. He already suspects what's going on.

"I just–" Blaine says quickly, tears starting to form in his eyes again. His face is already bright red from crying before. "What if he never wakes up? I don't think I can... live without him." He takes a breath, "He's my whole world."

"And what about if he does? huh? you think about that?" Burt asks slowly making his way towards the edge of the roof where blain was sitting on the railing. "You want him to wake up to learn you're dead!"

"I'm the reason he's there! He tried to save me. He did save me. He pushed me out of the way, but now... he gonna die."

"This is not your fault. It is that man's and his alone. You can't blame yourself. And do you think this is what Kurt would want? For you to throw yourself off a roof after he saved your life? What was the point then, if he dies? huh? He sacrificed himself for you and you're just going to spit in his face? Have him die for-for-for no reason? And he is going to wake up! And he's gonna want you to be there when he does." Burt extends a hand.

Blaine nods as the tears roll down his face, and grabs onto Burt's hand, and steps down.


The next day Blaine is asleep in the chair in Kurt's room. Burt went home but Carole is awake, standing near the door. Then she hears a noise, "Bl-bla... Blaine..."

She turns around to see Kurt starting to move.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. " She mumbles to herself. "Blaine!" she says softly but with excitement. She goes over to his chair and shakes him gently. "Blaine. Wake up."

Blaine opens his eyes, disorientated for a second, and then he hears, "Blaine..."

"Kurt!" Blaine jumps up and rushes over to the bed.

"Blaine." Kurt opens his eyes and slowly reaches his hand out towards Blaine. "You're ok." Kurt says, "I was so worried about you."

"About me?" Blaine laughed lightly but tears are running down his face. "I'm fine. It's you we've been worried about."

"How long was I out?" Kurt asks, coming to more.

"How long was I out?" Kurt asks, coming to more

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"Almost 5 days. I-I-I didn't know what I was going to do... if I lost you." Blaine puts his head down to cry.

"Shh, shh, shh. I'm here, Blainely." Kurt raises his good arm to put his hand on Blaine's cheek.

Blaine leans down to give Kurt a light kiss. Kurt tries to hold it longer but Blaine is worried about hurting Kurt and pulls back.

"I got to call your father." Blaine says and tries to stand up but Kurt grabs onto his arm, pretty strongly, even in his weakened state.

"No. Don't leave me." Kurt says with a desperate look in his eyes.

Blaine starts to cry, "I'm never leaving you."


THIS STORY IS CONTINUED IN MY "Can't Live Without You" FANFIC!!! (Go read it!)

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