Marry me... again (Klaine)

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! This is my Valentine's Day Special!

Summary: Gay marriage becomes legal throughout the United States and the couple celebrates Valentine's Day together.

Squeal to my "This can't be goodbye" fanfic. If you haven't read that yet you can read it first .

SPOILERS season 6 episode 8 and for my "This can't be goodbye" fanfic.


Kurt had been home from the hospital and recovering for almost a month after being run over in a hit-and-run.

The couple had put their lives on hold. They had stayed in Lima. Kurt had to give up his part in the broadway show. He wasn't too upset though, he was grateful both himself and Blaine were gonna be ok. Blaine had been seeing a therapist and it seemed to be going well.

The couple is watching tv on the coach together, waiting to hear the news on the new bill in Congress. The one that would make gay marriage legal across all the United States.

Burt has been re-elected so Carole and him were in DC. The couple had the house to themselves.

They sit eagerly as the President walks up to the podium and says his introductions. Then, "I am proud to announce, that gay marriage we now be legal in all 50 states of or great nation!"

Kurt squeals and hugs Blaine.

"I can't believe it!" Blaine says, stunned, still starring at the tv.

Kurt turns to Blaine and says very seriously, "Marry me."

"What?" Blaine turns to Kurt, confused, staring at him blankly.

"Marry me." Kurt repeats, looking Blaine dead in the eyes.

Blaine breaks his daze, "I already did, silly." He leans in and gives Kurt a light kiss before getting up to go to the kitchen.

"Bu-but..." Kurt is left dumbfounded on the coach.


It's Valentine's Day and the couple has planned a simple night at Breadsticks. Kurt is still recovering, so they didn't want to go far. However, Kurt has something special planned.

The couple sits down at the table. Burt and Carole are there too in the next booth, as are Blaine's parents in the one next to that. Kurt had invited them; they all know what is about to happen: all except Blaine.

Blaine was looking at the menu when Kurt gives him this love-ly, in anticipation, look from across the table. "What?" Blaine asks, looking up from the menu.

"Nothing." Kurt says suspiciously, looking away. Then he unsteadily gets out of his seat.

"Oh honey, where are you going? You need help?" Blaine jumps to make sure Kurt won't fall.

"I'm fine, baby." Kurt says as he gets his metal cane and heads towards the stage.

At first Blaine thought Kurt was heading for the bathroom, then he sees him grab the mic.

"Excuse me, everyone." Kurt says into the mic.

Blaine, standing up, mouths 'What are you doing?' at him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your Valentine's Day dinner." he pauses, looking at his husband, "Blaine, the last time we were here for Valentine's Day, we weren't together." Kurt continues, "I knew that I loved you from the moment we met, but you took a little bit. In the end, it was this song that finally made you realize we were meant to be. My best friend, duet partner, and soul mate, this one's for you."

"Blackbird" by The Beatles starts playing.

The whole room swoons to Kurt's sweet voice. As Blaine listens to Kurt sing, he starts to cry. He remembers back to the first time Kurt sung this, and how it changed everything. He thinks of all the things that have happened since then, and the tears continue rolling down his face. They are a mix of happy tears and sad tears. He almost lost Kurt thanks to a horrible man in a car, but he was so glad they were both here, together.

As Kurt wraps up the song, he moves towards Blaine, and starts speaking back into the mic. "We were born and raised here, in a state where we knew they didn't accept us for who we are. But we chose to be out and open, and we found each other. And now, we can get married here! The world is changing." Kurt lightly giggles at the irony of saying that, looking down at the cane supporting him.

Blaine laughs a bit too, but it's a heavy laugh, containing the weight of all they've been through recently.

Kurt finally reaches his husband, standing in the middle of the restaurant. "Blaine," he says, not speaking into the mic, "I don't want us to have to deal with what went down in the hospital ever again." He says seriously, then his tone lightens, "I know I don't have a ring or all the local rival show choirs, I can't even get on one knee, but..." Kurt brings the mic back to his mouth, "Blaine Anderson, will you marry me?" A little laugh escapes his lips, "Again?"

Blaine bushes, completely surprised. His face is so red from blushing and crying, but he's smiling so wide it hurts, "Yes." he says.

Kurt grabs Blaine's face, pulling him into a kiss. The whole room erupts in applause and cheers.

Blaine pulls back, "Yes, I'll marry you, Kurt Hummel, AGAIN." Blaine says softly to Kurt, their foreheads touching.

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