Chapter 1~ Home

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"I still don't know why you're doing this." Andrew says for the 12 millionth time today.
"Because it will be fun." I reply while rolling my eyes at him. It's the same answer I've been giving him all day.
"You can't even speak French that well!!"
Again I roll my eyes,
"That's kind of the point."
Then something in his eyes light up, and it seems like a switch goes off in his head. He turns to me smirking,
"Are you looking to get with some hot French dude?"
Disgusted, I screw my nose up.
"Ew. No. Just no."
Catching his eye, we both erupt into laughter, before hearing mum call me from downstairs. It's time to go. Just as I turn to leave the room, Andrew catches my arm,
"I really hate to say this, but I'm actually going to miss you."
"You hate to say it? Well, love you too." I retort.
"You know what I mean... text me every morning, so I know you're safe and well."
Smiling, I stretch up and kiss him on the cheek. I know I'm lucky to have a brother like him, but, as always, my reply doesn't reflect that. Instead it sounds snarky, making him laugh.
"Like I have a choice."

Mum loads my suitcase into the car, rolling her eyes when she sees the size of it.
"You really have packed everything but the kitchen sink haven't you?"
"No, but I have packed clothes for every weather occasion and most of my dance stuff, although I'm not sure where I can dance over there..." I trail off, lost in thought until mum takes my hand and leads me to the passenger side of the car,
"You'll find a way, Dot, you always do." She's right, I think. I can't give up on dancing for six months just because I'm in another country. Hell, I'll even drag a kid I can't even communicate with into it if I need to. The thought of dragging a boy round the dance floor who's talking fluent French in my ear makes me giggle, and out of the corner of my eye I see mum smiling at me. She really does want the best for me.

Looking up, I realise we're already at the airport. It seems to have taken no time at all. Mum drags my case out of the car and helps me slide my backpack onto my back. Unsurprisingly she looks more nervous than me,
"You've got everything haven't you?"
I grin widely before replying,
"Well if I haven't it's too late now!!"
She walks with me to security, her pace becoming slower with each step, as if she's trying to make every moment longer. For the past few months we've argued over this trip non-stop, but I finally got her to see sense, and made her realise what a good opportunity it would be for me. Obviously I understand that she doesn't want me to go, we're going to miss each other so much, but I can't miss out on this. Just this once, I'm doing something for me.

Suitcase? Check. Rucksack? Check. Opening my rucksack, I mentally go over everything I need. Passport? Check. Plane ticket? Check. Phone charger? Check. Camera? Check. Spare camera battery? Check. Wallet? Check. Phone? I feel in my pocket, of course it's there, it's always there. Then I glance at my suitcase quickly, before deciding that there's no point in checking it again. I've already checked it at least 10 time, and I've made Zoë and mum check it at least 5 times. Sighing, I lug my case downstairs. I'm actually pretty nervous about this, not that I'm going to admit that to either my sister or mum. Zoë's already so nervous for me, I can tell. Although I am nervous I'm also excited. Very excited. I might not be the best in my class at French, but I do put the effort in, and I'm excited to be able to spend time in the country. Hopefully I'll be able to spend time with people that aren't French as well. From the booklet I was given I know there's going to be kids from other countries there as well. Fat chance they're going to speak English though. Looks like I'm going to be muttering to myself a lot. Suddenly, as I'm hauling my suitcase into the car, I realise it could be a very long six months.

Before I know it I'm at the airport, being bombarded by hugs from both Zoë and my mum.
"Joe, text me when you land, and every morning, keep me updated on everything!!" Zoë's rambling again, but leans in and whispers to me while hugging me, making sure only I can hear,
"And I want to hear about any girls."
Rolling my eyes I hug her back. Like hell I'm getting a French girl; I wouldn't even be able to talk to her for a start.
"Right, guys, I do actually have a plane to catch."
They look at each other guiltily before mum hands me my case,
"Take care!! Have a good time."
For the last time, I turn around and wave to them, grinning wildly, then I march up to security. This is going to be wild, I think, as I take my camera out and start filming what I hope is going to be the best six months of my life so far.

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