Chapter 4: The Next Morning

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Hermione's POV

Opening my eyes, I see the sun peaking through the trees. I'm laying on the forest floor, trying the remember what happened last night. Remus' arm is around my waist pulling me toward him. Rolling over carefully, I look into his sleeping face. Scanning lower to his bare chest. He looks so peaceful and handsome, I want to kiss him but I know I can't.

He doesn't know who I am. I slowly peel his arm from my body and roll out of his reach. I look down at my naked body, remembering my clothes are in the Shrieking Shack.

Using endless magic, I disillusion myself and make my trek back through the forest to the shack. I dress quickly and disapparate to Grimmauld Place. POP!

Peeking my head in the front door, I listen for any movement. It seems as though everyone is still asleep. I walk upstairs to my room, locking the door.

"You're back. And it seems you are not injured." Severus said from the portrait hanging in my room.

"Everything went", I hesitate trying to find the right word for the situation. "okay."

"Okay? What is it, Hermione?"

I sigh and sit down on my bed. "It's complicated or it will be once he figures it out." I hide my face in my hands. I'm scared that once Remus finds out it's me he'll be disappointed or disgusted. I have admired Remus since my third year. As I have grown, my feelings have changed. During summer before fifth year, I realized I love him.

"Who finds out what?" I could hear the concern in Severus' voice. I peek at him through my hands.

"Remus." Severus raises his eye brow at me waiting for me to continue. "Well he's my mate."

Severus' eyebrow shoot up and his eyes are wide. "And how do you know this?"

"Rieka told me and we shagged in our werewolf forms last night." I reply hiding my face in my hands again.

"Who is Rieka? And did you complete the mating ritual or just copulate?"

Sighing, I fall back on the bed. "Rieka is my werewolf entity. And I will have to go to the library to determine what is required for the mating process." Severus opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him. "Let me rest for a little while then we can talk more. Goodnight." I reposition myself on the bed and cover with my red throw blanket. As I fall into darkness, all I see is black fur and golder yellow eyes watching me.

Remus' POV

I stretch my arm reaching for my mate, but all that's there is dirt. I lift my head and look around, she is no where to be seen. I sit up and think back to all that happened last night.

I found my mate. Finally after all these years. She was so beautiful. Having her near me I felt whole for the first time in forever. How will I find her, where did she go?

Standing up, I stretch my arm above my head not feeling any of the pain I normally do after a full moon. Strange. I'll need to go to the library and do research into werewolf mates. I collect my clothes and apparate back to Grimmauld Place. POP!

Once home, I head straight to the library to collect all the books we have on werewolves. I take them up to my room. Setting them on my desk, I grab the one on top and begin to read in bed.

Before I can even read the first page my eye become heavy and I fall asleep. Dreaming of my beautiful mate and the passion we shared last night.

Sirius' POV

I check the time 10:30am. It's time to feed the wolf. Carry the tray laden with food upstairs, I knock on Remus' door. "Come in." I hear from inside.

"Morning Moon. How are you feeling? I bought pain potions and salves." I say setting the tray down on the bedside table.

"Surprising I have no pain today, I haven't checked my body for any new mark yet either." He says furrowing his brow, eyeing the pile of books on his desk.

"No offense but when have you ever had a painless morning after a full moon?" I ask sitting down at the desk scanning the titles of the books. I notice they are all from the library downstairs and about werewolves. "Moony what's happened? Why are you reading all this?"

His eyes meet mine, "I found her."

"Her? Like her, her?" I'm shocked. After years of transformations he has found her. "Who is she?"

"I don't know." He says looking at his hands in his lap. "She was there last night but gone in the morning."

I rise out of my chair. "What do you mean there last night? Is she okay? I don't understand." I start pacing the room. Did he kill her? Bite her? Is she bleeding to death in the shack?

"Calm down. She's fine." His face is relaxed and the way he said it, it was like he knew.

I stop pacing and stare open mouthed at him. "How can I calm down? How are you calm? We have been looking for this woman 23 years."

"I think it's the connection. I brought the books up so that I can figure it all out. I fell asleep as soon as I laid down." He looks at the books again. I reach and hand him one and I take another.

Plopping myself back down into the chair. I smile at him as I crack the book open and begin reading.

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