Chapter 5: The Marks

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Hermione's POV

I'm surprised that my body isn't aching from the transformation. All the books I read and everything I have heard from Remus, say I should be sore. But I'm relaxed and full of energy.

I skip down the stairs two at a time to the kitchen. When I open the door Sirius and Harry are at the table having lunch.

"Well look who finally woke up. Good afternoon Kitten." Sirius says. I shake my head and smile at him. I walk to the fridge and take out some juice and lunch meat.

As I'm preparing a sandwich, I can feel their eyes on my back. "Ask what you have to, no need to stare." I tease peeking over my shoulder at the men at the table.

"Is everything okay Hermione? You never sleep this late unless you're sick. But you aren't acting sick, you seem almost too happy. You're also wearing the same clothes as yesterday." I look down at my clothes, having forgotten to change in my excitement.

"" I pause trying to think of what to say. I can't tell then the truth. "I stayed up late. After spending all day yesterday in the lab, I decided I would read for a bit and lost track of time."

Grabbing my plate, I sit down at the table. I wince as I sit on the bench. Well it seems one area is sore from last night. I meet Sirius' questioning eyes as I lower myself gently onto the seat. "I get it now. Someone got lucky last night." I tear my eyes from Sirius to Harry, who is looking back and forth between Sirius and myself.

"I don't know what you're talking about Sirius." I look down at my untouched plate.

"Don't be shy Kitten." My cheeks warm, I can only imagine how red they are. "It seems you're not the only one who got some action last night." He says leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head.

"You have a new woman in your bed everynight, you don't count." Harry rolls his eyes at Sirius.

Leaning forward in his chair, Sirius lowers his voice, "I wasn't talking about me. Seems our good friend Moony has finally found his lady." I don't think I could get any more embarrassed. I only hope no one notices. I peek at Harry who is looking at me with what might be pity. "Well I'm heading up to check on our lucky guy."

Harry leans over to me and whispers, "Sorry Mione. I know you love him but at least you have found someone else. So who is the lucky guy?"

"Harry please don't." I say avoiding Harry's gaze, standing from the table and walking upstairs to shower.

Once in my room and take off yesterdays clothes and go to the bathroom. I jump in the shower and grabbing my loofah to wash of the dirt and sweat from last night.

I rub my left shoulder when my knees get weak and heat radiates between my thighs. Pulling my hands away the feeling stops. I run my finger across my shoulder to my neck. I feel a scab and the ecstasy throughout my body again.

Getting out of the shower I look at myself in the mirror. A bite mark. It's already healing. I need to know what this means. I dress quickly in a jumper that covers my neck and jeans. I head down to ths library.

Remus' POV

After reading with Sirius for a few hours. I realized that my mate and I have yet to complete our bond. Not only do we have to accept each other in our werewolf forms but also our human. It has to be complete before the next full moon or the consequences could be fatal.

Deciding that a shower would help clear my mind, I undress and enter my bathroom. I turn the water on for the shower when I catch the glimpse of something in the mirror. On my left, where my neck and shoulder meet is a bite mark. I lean closer toward, the mirror. Its red and starting to form a scab. I run my fingers across it, my body tingles.

Stepping under the hot water of the shower thinking back to what I read earlier today.

The bite mark left by the mate causes the feeling of euphoria when touched. In some cases, when a mate touches the mark they made a pure level of sexual satisfaction will be achieved. However should a person or being whom is not the mate touch it, the mark will burn causing severe pain. To complete the first stage of mating, both mates must mark the other during sexual relations.

If what I felt was only a fraction of what it would feel like should my beautiful mate touch it. I will worship this woman for all eternity. If only I knew who or where she was. The book also said,

Once mated in werewolf form, transformations will be painless a long as the mate is near by. Be aware that if the mate is human the werewolf will not cause harm to the mate but can be effected by a not mating bite.

Once this mating is complete, a human mating process will be required to be true mates. In human form each mate will need to bite over their previous mark during sexual relations. When this is met the mates will be sealed with a magical bonding that can not be broken.

In some cases, fully mated pairs acquired special abilities. For each mated pair it is different depending on the pairs magical ability and strength. Examples include communication of the minds, no matter the distance apart. Being aware of the others well being, their emotions, and knowing their location at all times. Special healing abilities.

The pair will have until the next full moon to complete the mating ritual. Should a half mated pair choose to not complete the human process, the results are death. 

Stepping out of the shower I use my wand to dry myself. If what the book says is true. My mate and I will have a very special mate bond. I can already feel her emotions. She happy, embarrassed and worried. It's strange how I can feel her. I decide it's best to take the book back to the library.

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