initium finis | 1.0.7

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Yoongi stared at the platter before him, one filled with mouthwatering food. Though his stomach growled at the sight, Yoongi couldn't make himself eat it. His fork poked at the food absentmindedly, Yoongi unable to keep the small frown off his face.

"Hey Yoongi, are you okay?"

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at Yoongi's state, looking at him with curiosity and slight worry. The President cleared his throat.

"Do you not like your food?" he asked."I could have the chefs make something else if you would like."

Yoongi plastered a small smile on his face, shaking his head. "No sir, the food is fine."

It's just the word that came out of Hoseok's mouth that was bothering me.

Yoongi continued sulking at the food in front of him once more, wishing that his appetite would return.

"I told you not to call sir Yoongi," the President smiled."You can call me Jungkook. It's my name after all."

"Right s-Jungkook," Yoongi caught himself in time, nodding once. He using his fork to get the smallest bit of food, forcing the bite in his mouth.




Why was that bothering Yoongi so much?

Yoongi's mind wasn't at peace that there was someone out there— some girl that he already had a presumably stable relationship with. The government disapproved of relationships prior to Perfect Match, enforcing the idea that abstinence and waiting for your loved one was the most important thing. It was a also a rule. If you were caught having affairs with someone before you were supposed to, you could be punished.

Yoongi's thoughts raced wildly in his mind, betraying the peace and tranquility he sought to keep in him. How he wished he hadn't heard anything. Maybe then he could be enjoying himself a lot more than he was right now.

Who was she?

Who was the girl that had captured Hoseok's attention before his Perfect Match ceremony? The girl that he wasn't paired to, but still in a relationship with even after being paired with Yoongi. The girl that obviously held a part—if not all of Hoseok's heart at the moment.

Yoongi finally slammed the fork on the table, standing up abruptly.

"Excuse me," he mumbled, heading for the nearest exit.

What were these emotions swirling inside him? Yoongi had never felt anything like it before, not with anyone.

Yoongi paced up and down the hallway, not wanting to risk losing himself in Jungkook's mansion.

Why was one word bothering him so much? He had just met Jung Hoseok, what does his private life have to do with him?

Yoongi looked down at his mark, which was a shade of light blue and green.

That must be why.

He felt a pair of hands on his shoulders. Yoongi stiffened, staying still as he felt someone's hot breath on my ear.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok whispered. Yoongi refrained from shuddering, not used to this close proximity with anyone.

Yoongi nodded, turning towards him. Hoseok let go of Yoongi's shoulders, staring at him with his eyebrow raised.

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