initium finis | 1.2.2

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Yoongi's mother had always said that there were many stages to Yoongi's nervousness.

The first stage was the most common one. The look down, the fidgeting shirt sleeves, the occasional lip bite, overall nothing too serious.

Then, if Yoongi's nervousness intensified, his palms would start sweating, his voice would begin to waver, and his worries would start showing on his face. Stuttering would commence and his inner clumsiness would make an appearance.

The last stage consisted of Yoongi being so paralyzed with nervousness that he was stuck frozen. No emotion would pass through him. In this stage, it was as if someone had frozen him. His voice wouldn't stutter. If he somehow managed to use his voice, his voice would sound clipped, fast, dead. At nervousness in this extremity, Yoongi would feel completely numb.

While the first stage happened very often, the last stage was one that Yoongi had very rarely encountered in all course of his existence. There was only one other time that Yoongi's nervousness had made it to the last stage.

When he had his first kiss.

It was at the first party Yoongi's parents had allowed him to go to. He was sixteen years old surrounded by people one to two years older than Yoongi but he didn't mind. Many of these were friends, ones he had met through school sports teams he participated in. There was one friend among them that Yoongi was particularly close with, Kihyun. 

Kihyun was the one who was throwing the party (with parent permission of course), and so, Yoongi's parents were quick to give in as they trusted Kihyun. Yoongi had waltzed into the party, expecting some dancing, socializing, but mostly hanging out with Kihyun.

What Yoongi had not expected was that he would be subjected to play a twenty-first-century game.

One second he was talking with Kihyun, the next he was sitting down with unfamiliar people as a bottle was placed in the middle of the floor.

"This game was called spin the bottle back in the day," Kihyun stated."If it lands on you first, whoever it lands on next will kiss the first person on the lips."

Gasps could be heard, eyes widened at the game that Kihyun had mentioned.

"People actually played that before?" A girl shuddered in fright."Oh my god, if they did that, what else were they capable of?" 

But in the end, curiosity got the best of everyone (including Yoongi), and they all went ahead with the game not knowing what to expect. Suspense clung onto them, breaths held in anticipation every time someone spun the bottle.

And then it happened.

A girl, Solar was her name, spun the bottle. After a couple of turns, it slowly stopped, in doing so stopping in front of Yoongi.

Loud hollers could be heard as everyone stared at them in anticipation. Yoongi's eyes had looked into Solar's eyes, her face completely flushed. They stared at each other for a few moments, neither moving an inch. Time had stopped for Yoongi and it wasn't because he felt any type of attraction towards her. 

It was because he was going to kiss someone for the very first time.

"Ah, Yoongi?"

Yoongi's head snapped towards Hoseok who looked at him with a curious expression on his face. Yoongi smiled wanly at him before turning towards the window. There was no need to talk to him. At least not yet. They could be in silence for as long as the ride would allow them. It was fine.

"Yoongi, are you actually fine with all this?"

Turning once more towards him Yoongi replied, "All for the change right?"

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