initium finis | 1.0.5

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Namjoon and Seokjin ushered them into another white painted room. A transparent television hung on the wall, casting the ongoing Perfect Match ceremony. The only thing that resonated in Yoongi's ears was the deafening cheers of the crowd as matches were continuously being made, each one having one thing in common.

A pairing between a female and a male.

Yoongi tore his eyes away from the screen, turning to face Namjoon and Seokjin, who had not stepped a foot inside the room. They flashed reassuring smiles.

"We'll be back in a while. Take this time to get to know each other." Seokjin instructed. "After all, you'll be with each other for the rest of your lives."

With that statement they left, leaving Hoseok and Yoongi in uncomfortable silence. Yoongi sneaked another glance at Hoseok, whose attention remained on the screen. There was a frown in his features, one that grew larger as the matches were made. Yoongi's eyes drifted towards the screen, just like he had done before, but he couldn't help but sneak more glances at Hoseok– at his Perfect Match.

Yoongi wanted to open his mouth, to say something, but he couldn't. His voice was caught in his throat, his brain blank and unable to form any conversational thoughts so he remained silent, staring as pair after pair was matched.

"So...Min Yoongi right?" Hoseok asked, finally breaking the silence. Yoongi nodded, turning his attention to Hoseok. "Where did you come from?"


He smiled. "I've never gone. Is it as beautiful as people say?"

"To be fair, Korea is a wonderful country in general," Yoongi commented, earning a small chuckle from Hoseok. "But yes, it is. It was something alright, but it was home."

"Anything or anyone special in Daegu I should be particularly worried about?" he asked lightly, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively. Yoongi stared at him, confused at Hoseok's amused yet serious expression.

"I-I can't tell if you're joking or not."

Hoseok laughed. "Of course, I am Yoongi. Why wouldn't I?"

Yoongi half-smiled at that, his eyes finding the screen again. The conversation died down, the room descending into almost silence— the screen the only thing making noise. As the matches continued, one person caught Yoongi's attention. Her name was on the screen, her information, and after a while, she was deemed unmatchable.

Yoongi noticed the crushed look on the girl's face, her shoulders slumped as she sunk in her seat, knowing that she would have to wait another year to try again.

"Poor girl." Yoongi murmured.

"Not everyone gets their match on the first try." Hoseok shrugged, seemingly unfazed at the development.

"I didn't get matched with anyone last year," Yoongi retaliated, unable to keep the annoyance out of his voice. The sudden outburst caught Hoseok by surprise, softness washing over his features.

"I'm sorry. That was a bit insensitive, wasn't it?"

"It was." Pity washed over Yoongi as he remembered the feelings he felt when he was in that girl's position last year.

"How did that feel? You know, since I'll never get to experience it?" Yoongi had Hoseok's undivided attention now, the screams becoming background noise for the both of them. Yoongi pondered for a few moments, before finally speaking.

"Embarrassing but relieving at the same time. I didn't want to leave my parents and I wasn't ready to part with Daegu either." He admitted. "I was kind of hoping this year would be the same as the last one."

"But you got me instead." Hoseok mused, chuckling softly. "I bet you weren't expecting it to turn out this way."

Yoongi laughed, shaking his head.

"Well no. I mean you're a guy and I'm a guy. We shouldn't have been matched together in the first place. Yet here we are."

Hoseok nodded. "The algorithm must have messed up."

"The question is how?" Yoongi asked, a frown etching on his lips."How does something that is designed so perfectly make a mistake?"

"I-i don't know," Hoseok frowned, rubbing the back of his neck."How are you taking all this? This wasn't the Match you were expecting."

"I think I'm in the phase where my mind is still trying to process everything before letting me freak out."

Yoongi decided that it was best to be straight forward. There was no need to be beating around the bush about their situation. Considering that they were the first same-sex Perfect Match, it made sense for Yoongi to not have a full grasp of everything that was going on. Yoongi knew that Hoseok was also feeling the same thing— or at least something close to it.

"You know what Yoongi? I think we're going to get along really well." Hoseok smiled once more.

There was a knock on the door followed by a "Mister Min? Mister Jung?"

Yoongi walked to the door, opening it slightly. A man with boyish features stood in the doorway, his silver hair complimenting his warm brown eyes.

He was taken aback by the beauty of this man, unable to find the words to even talk to him. Yoongi stared at him, waiting patiently for him to say something.

There was a soft pressure on Yoongi's right shoulder.

"That's us."

Yoongi tried to ignore Hoseok's arm over his shoulder, attempting to focus on the man that was in front of them. The man nodded, a warm smile spreading on his face.

"My name is Kim Taehyung. I work side by side the President, and it is my job to take you two to his home."

Hoseok and Yoongi exchanged glances. Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed, his previous smile disappearing as he stared at Taehyung, suspicion lining his expression.

"I thought we were leaving with the President," Hoseok replied curtly."After the ceremony."

"That was the plan, but it would draw too much attention from the press. So, we are sneaking you guys out while the press is busy with the ceremony," Taehyung explained."Come. We must leave right now."

The pressure from Hoseok's arm disappeared as he walked behind Taehyung.  Yoongi followed, easily catching up to them. By the time they got to the car, the Perfect Match ceremony was almost concluding. Taehyung quickly ushered them into the car, shutting the door behind him.

"I hope you guys were not expecting a limousine." Taehyung joked."Those are reserved for the President."

"No, no not at all," Yoongi replied quickly, flashing him a hesitant smile. Taehyung took no notice however and kept talking.

"In about an hour, we'll arrive at the President's residence." Taehyung smiled warmly."Make yourselves comfortable."

Yoongistiffened, my mind registering what Taehyung had just said. He nodded blankly, while on the inside he was mentally freaking out. 

He gazed outside the window, looking at all the unfamiliar scenery in front of me. No city in Korea was more advanced than the Capitol itself. Almost everything was some sort of technology, except for the trees and the occasional bushes of flowers. Yoongi's heart ached at the sight, his mind going back to Daegu, the sense of security, of familiarity he felt while he was there.

Now in this place full of unfamiliarity, Yoongi felt unsafe. The security Yoongi had was gone and replaced by a weariness that he hadn't felt in a long while.

The wonderful city of Seoul. Yoongi's new home.

Yoongi felt a hand touch his shoulder. He turned to see Hoseok flashing him an empathetic smile. 

"Don't worry Yoongi. You'll learn to love this place just as much as I do."

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