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Yeet. I'm back. Sup. Sorry this took forever, going on with some stuff in real life. Thanks Pouty_McSpecs for suggesting Jamilton. Hope ya like it!

Hercules: *Playing with his food, stacking all the StarBurst on top of each other*
*Dawn appears in front of him and knocks them all down*
Peggy, John, Laffayette, King George, and Maria: AHHH!
Hercules: Why?!?!
Dawn: I'm bored. Got something you guys to react to. Macaroni and A.Ham, get over here.
Alex: Ok, I'm able to assume A.Ham is me, but who is Macaroni?
*Dawn smirks and looks over at Thomas*
King George: Ya know, I'm starting to actually like you!
Dawn: Don't get too attached, you are number one on my attack list. Watch your back conceited, watch. Your. Back.
*King George scoots away from Dawn*
Eliza: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Dawn: It probably isn't. Having them in the same room, but ya know what? I didn't get any sleep last night so I'm gonna be stupid since my brain isn't processing!(This is my explanation if I do any stupid stuff by the end of this-)
Angelica: Ok?
Washington: Alexander! Don't kill Thomas!
Dawn: I can't promise he won't.
Eliza: Oh shi-
*Phillip looks at her, waiting for her to say it*
Eliza: Shikeys.
*Phillip sighs*
*Dawn walks out the room with Thomas and Alex*
Dawn: Ok, do you to remember what a ship is?
*They both slowly shakes their heads yes, then process what is going on*
Alex: ...Ok then.
Thomas: Just show us stuff already.

Alex: *mumbling*I could probably finish the book in theory minutes, depending on where I'm at

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Alex: *mumbling*I could probably finish the book in theory minutes, depending on where I'm at...
Thomas: Yeah, whatever. Is there anything else we could do besides look at pictures?
Dawn: Well... Truth or dare?
Thomas: What?
Dawn: Truth or dare? Would you whther answer a question I ask you, or do something I tell you to. Remember, I an ask you something extremely deep and personal for truth. It isn't the easy way out.
Alex: Dare!
Dawn: Ok. Dare ya to kiss Thomas.
Alex: ...
Thomas: ...
Dawn: Oh, guess you guys are to scared.
*Alex starts to get angry*
Alex: I'm not scared! I could easily kiss him right now!
Dawn: Then do it.
*Alex quickly kisses Thomas while Dawn just smiles in the background*
Thomas: What? What just happened?
Dawn: Alex kissed ya.
*Thomas and Alex both start to freak out*
Thomas: What?!
Alex: Ew!
Dawn: You guys asked for it!
Alex: Fine. You, truth or dare?
Dawn: Dare.
Alex: I dare you to tell us who you ship us with.
Dawn: That is cheating!
Thomas: No. It is called finding loopholes.
Dawn: Fine. Thomas, I think *her phone rings* one sec. *answers* Hey ma! Yeah? K! Give me ten minutes.
Alex: How does that small little device do that?
Dawn: It is called the future dummy. Now, Alex, I think- *Phone rings again* My uncle now, one sec! *talks, soon hangs up*
Dawn: Welp, I gotta go, have fun!
Thomas: Wait, you never told us who-
*Dawn leaves*
Thomas: You ship us with...
*Door opens*
Madison: At least you tried.
Eliza: Exactly.
John: Alex! There is those rope things!(AKA Twizzlers)
*Alex runs out and eats food with John, while King George tries to figure out how Dawn does it*

Hehe, You shall never know what I ship. Hope ya liked fellow hoomans!

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