Blow Us All Away

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Thanks to Pouty_McSpecs for suggesting this!

George W.: Alex.
Alexander: Yes?
George W.: Stop bugging Jeffer-
*Dawn appears*
Dawn: What ever it is, Jefferson started it!
*Everyone jumps slightly*
Jefferson: What the heck?!
Dawn: Im back my dudes!!!
Madison: Do you think people are actually going to read this if you take forever to post?
Peggy: What does that mean?
Dawn: Stop breaking the fourth wall!
Peggy: Fourth wall?
Dawn: I'm gonna need to go buy tape later...
King George: What are you forcing us to watch now?
Dawn: I don't force you to do anything. I just bring you places and you choose to watch and listen instead of closing your eyes and plugging your ears.
Maria: Are you going to cry during this?
Dawn: More than likely, let's go!
*Dawn snaps twice and they are in the theater*
Mulligan: You haven't snapped since the second chapter...
Dawn: God dang it Mulligan! Get the tape! Hurry!
Phillip: For what?
Dawn: If I were to tell you it would break even more. Moving on...
John: Ok then.
Dawn: Blow Us All Away. The number seven is cursed.
Lafayette: Why?
Dawn: You'll see...
*Dawn sinks in her chair, maniacally tapping her fingers together*
Burr: I'm scared.
Dawn: You should be. MWA HAHA*coughs* Ha... *coughs*
Angelica: Are you ok?
Dawn*inbetween coughs* I'm fine! *finished coughing* HAHAHA! I'm done.
Seabury: Thankfully
Dawn: Are you judging me Sea Banana?
King George: Just play the song!

Meet the latest graduate of King's College!
I prob'ly shouldn't brag, but, dag, I amaze and astonish!
The scholars say I got the same virtuosity and brains as my pops!
The ladies say my brain's not where the resemblance stops!
I'm only nineteen but my mind is older
Gotta be my own man, like my father, but bolder

*Everyone but Dawn and laughs a bit at that, considering they believe that is impossible*
Dawn: Why are you guys laughing?
Angelica: Bolder than Alexander?
Dawn: You'll be surprised...
Burr: And I'm scared again

I shoulder his legacy with pride
I used to hear him say
That someday I would

Blow us all away

Ladies, I'm looking for a Mr. George Eacker
Made a speech last week, our Fourth of July speaker
He disparaged my father's legacy in front of a crowd
I can't have that, I'm making my father proud

I saw him just up Broadway a couple of blocks
He was goin' to see a play

Well, I'll go visit his box

God, you're a fox

And y'all look pretty good in ya' frocks
How 'bout when I get back, we all strip down to our socks?

*Eliza looks over at Phillip, wide eyed*
Alex: Phillip! Run while you can!
Philip: I've exceptedy fate.
*Eliza pulls Phillip aside and speaks to him seperately, they come back and it continues*


Blow us all away!




Shh! I'm tryin' to watch the show!

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