Ten Things One Thing

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I just want to say thank you for the reads. I honestly never thought that this would get over ten reads, and seeing it has over 400 is just wonderful. Thanks for commenting and suggesting ideas.

Madison: It has been over ten days since Dawn has tried to write this.
George W.: Write?
Mulligan: Yeah, she-
*Dawn appears behind Mulligan nd covers his mouth*
Madison: We shall win this war!
*Mulligan nods violently*
*Dawn takes her hand off his mouth*
Dawn: You wanna test me?
Mulligan: What can you do?
Dawn: I know karate and multiple other words that seem dangerous, like gun, and knife-
Peggy: Stop! Just stop!
Eliza: What are we reacting to, Dawn?
Dawn: Something I'm probably gonna cry about.
Angelica: Why are you making us react to sad things?
Jefferson: She obviously loves to torture us.
Dawn: Accurate. Now let's go.
*Dawn doesn't clap or anything, they just appear*
Alex: Woah, that's new.
Dawn: I know! It is this new update I got! Isn't it cool?
Maria: Very.
John: Are we going to react?
Lafayette: What he said.
*The music starts*
Jefferson: No warning, huh?

One two three four
Five six seven eight nine-
There are ten things you need to know
Number one!
We rode across the Hudson at dawn
My friend, William P. Van Ness signed on as my-

Burr: Signed on as my number two? What does that- Oh yeah...
Peggy: What is it?
Burr: Let's just say I'm probably going to die today.

Number two!
Hamilton arrived with his crew
Nathaniel Pendleton and a doctor that he knew

Phillip: Who was the doctor?
Dawn(mumbled): The doctor who tried to help you...

Number three!

I watched Hamilton examine the terrain
I wish I could tell you what was happ'ning in his brain
Just apologize, we have worthier pursuits!

John: What would he need to apologize for again? I forgot.
Jefferson: He decided to vote me for president instead of Burr, Burr got angry and called a duel.

Most disputes die and no one shoots!
Number four!
Hamilton drew first position
Looking, to the world, like a man on a mission
This is a soldier with a marksman's ability
The doctor turned around so he could have deniability
Now, I didn't know this at the time
But we were-
In the same spot
Your son died, is that why[HAMILTON]
In the same spot
My son died, is that why

Eliza: Alex-
Alex: Let's just listen please.
*Eliza nods, Phillip looks at his father worried*


He examined his gun with such rigor?
I watched as he methodically fiddled with the trigger
Confession time? Here's what I got:
My fellow soldiers'll tell you I'm a terrible shot

*John laughs a bit, trying to lighten the mood*
John: You sure are!
Burr: And we are having this talk again apparently.

Number eight!
Your last chance to negotiate
Send in your seconds, see if they can set the record straight
They won't teach you this in your classes
But look it up, Hamilton was wearing his glasses
Why? If not to take deadly aim?
That's when I realized this was not a game
I had only one thought before the slaughter:
This man will not make an orphan of my daughter

Dawn(mumbled) : Who was married and didn't need help to grow up. On the other hand, Alex had tons of kids.
Madison: What?

Number nine!
Look him in the eyes, aim no higher
Summon all the courage you require
Then count:
One two three four five six seven eight nine
He aims his pistol at the sky-

*Everyone flinches a bit at the yell, then the song continues*
Nine eight seven six five
Four three two-
One last thought
Number one!
Before we got in the boat to cross the Hudson
I stopped to write a note
Actually I wrote-
Just in case I didn't make it through
I want the world to know what I intended to do
Number three!
If I shoot first, and throw it away
He has to yield, we both get to live another day
I know this puts me in a difficult spot
But I've got to throw away my shot
Number four!
I get lucky, I draw first position
I stand facing east as I load my ammunition
The sun is in my eyes, I am almost giddy
As I watch it slowly rise over my New York City
I start to shake when I realize
That we are-
In the same spot
My son died, is that why[BURR]
In the same spot
Your son died, is that why

Eliza: Oh my god...

I examine the gun that we shared?
Philip never hurt a soul, he must've been so scared

Phillip: You used the same gun?
*Alex nods*

My Eliza is still asleep
I left her a letter, I could've written it better

Angelica: She cried while reading it...

Number eight!
Your last chance to negotiate
Send in your seconds, see if they can set the record straight

King George: Why though?
King George: Nope! Gotta put up with me still!
Everyone besides King George and Seabury: God dang it!
*King George sticks his tongue out at everyone*

I put on my glasses, so I can see if Burr is softening
I see him glaring back at me
He's always hated dueling, hated confrontation
I never had his instinct for self-preservation

Jefferson(sarcastic): Oh really? I never noticed.
*Alex glares at him*

I feel a sense of calm fill me
It's not in his political interest to kill me
My last thought is of Eliza
Maybe I can get back home before she opens her eyes
They put us through our paces, we count to ten
God, I can't wait to see her again

*Eliza starts to cry a bit*

One two three four five six seven eight nine
He aims his pistol at the sky!

Everyone: No!


Alex: Wait, that is it?
*Dawn nods*
King George: Well oof.
*They go back to the room*
Dawn: How do you know that word?
Mulligan: He doesn't, you made him say it by writing it in-
Dawn: SHUT UP.
Madison: But-
Seabury: Cry baby...
Dawn: Shut up Sea Banana!
Seabury: I guess that is sticking.
*Dawn leaves*

Sorry this isn't that good, I was rushing it even though I was telling myself not to. Thanks to killmeomfgplease for the suggestion! Have a good day!

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