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Slamming open the door, Jungkook startled Aurora, who was sitting on the couch. She snapped her head back to see the android panting heavily. When they made eye contact, the male paused to stare at her. Aurora arched an eyebrow. "What's up with you?"

At a loss for words, Jungkook kicked off his shoes and ran to his room. Befuddled, Aurora thought of finding out what was going on with him. But she didn't to leave him be and roll her eyes. "He's probably getting more action than I am." She scoffed at herself.

Holding his doorknob shut, Jungkook held his chest as though his heart was about to fall out. His mind raced with concern. What did he do? It fascinated him greatly, that he wanted to experiment more on his action. Touching his lips, he pondered. What else can these lips do? He thought curiously.

Stripping his clothes off, he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked normal. He felt normal.

...was he normal?

A human girl took interest in him, and Jungkook's metallic heart did not feel a hint of relief from it. It was just stale. But he kissed her.

Am I normal...? He wondered.

Jungkook grabs a towel and wraps himself in it. He was a bit ashamed for what he's done. He knew that Aurora would not be happy to find out that he kissed one of his coworkers. But it's not like he wanted to. His brain went into a shock from the sudden gesture, that it wanted to process the information for thoroughly. And so Jungkook kissed her back to let the information resuscitate in his artificial intelligence properly.

Going straight to the bathroom, Jungkook exhaled heavily. "A good shower would suffice..."

When everything became awkwardly silent in the apartment, Aurora noticed that something was off. She already knew how eccentric Jungkook was becoming, but his speedy progression of adding emotions to his gestures and dialogue was very unsettling in her opinion. She was happy that Jungkook was becoming more human—to a certain extent. But, why did it seem like Jungkook was also becoming more distant as he was evolving. It just concerned her deeply.

Aurora decided to confront Jungkook once he came out of his hiding.

The AI eventually came back from his room after dressing himself in more relaxing attire. He wanted to quietly ease by the tomboy to get something from the kitchen and return to his room, but Aurora was not having it.


Pausing, Jungkook stood idle.

"We need to talk."

Jungkook gulped. "...what is it?"

"Come here," Aurora patted the seat next to her. "This conversation's been long overdue."

Jungkook sighed in defeat, feeling that this conversation wasn't going to be pleasant.

Hearing his breaths of exhale made Aurora's heart sink gradually. He even learned to sigh when he doesn't like something... Aurora couldn't tell whether or not she should have been proud of that accomplishment. But pushing her feelings aside, she still spoke up.

As the male sat down a foot away from her, Aurora picked up on his body language and yielded. "Why are you sitting so far from me?"

"It's nothing, master." Jungkook sheepishly replied. "I'm just giving you your space."

"Since when have I ever..."

"You usually get aggravated when I'm too close to you."

Aurora couldn't argue with Jungkook's reasoning. She just accepted it and held her hands close together. "Anyways...Jungkook," Aurora looks at Jungkook with worried eyes. "I've been noticing how distant we're both becoming with each other," Pausing, Aurora's lips remained parted before she could say the next line. "Did I do something wrong to you?"

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