Night light (Prinxiety)

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       Virgil's P.O.V

I decide to go to sleep at 1 am. I turn on my night light. It may sound childish but I kind of have a fear of what could lie in my room while I sleep. Ever since I popped in the mindscape when I was a baby I was always afraid of the dark. I was afraid of being completely alone. When I was 3 Patton hosted a sleepover and when it was time to sleep he turned the light off. I was super scared and I cried and Roman heard me then he asked what's wrong and I told him. He made me a night light and I kept it ever since.

He may not show it in front of everyone but he's super sweet. Every once and a while he checks up on me. I will never admit it aloud(or so he thinks)that I have a crush on him. Even if I were to tell that to him he'd be freaked out.

As those thoughts swirled in my mind I didn't notice Roman crack my door open.  His beautiful voice catches my attention. I whip my attention from the wall to the door. His flawless features are breath taking.

"Virgil? Did you hear me?" Roman asks with a questioning expression. I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts. "U-uh I'm sorry n-no." I replied with a faint blush. He made his way over to my bed and I patted the spot next me and moved over a bit so he could sit down. He sat next to me and let out a sigh. This cannot be good. I tear up a bit and I have no idea why, but it's probably because I think he will not wanna associate with me. "Verge? What's wrong?" He asked, worry clear in his voice. I sniffled and wiped my tears trying to pull myself together. "I-I'm fine. Is there something you w-wanna tell me?" I ask nervousness coating my voice.

"Yeah well I couldn't sleep. There were just thoughts of you racing around my mind," Roman started, looking in my eyes and gripping my hand. I blush furiously and look away but grip his hand back to show he wasn't making me uncomfortable, just flustered. "And I have to confess Virgil I am in love with you." I look at him hoping my foundation and eye shadow covers my blush but then I realize I have no make up on so my freckles are showing. "R-ro-" He cut me off. "Virgil you don't have to return the feelings I was just letting you know." He looks down obviously upset.

I do something I never thought I would do..I kiss him. I grab him by his plain red night shirt and kiss him with a passion I never knew I had. I feel him kiss back. His soft cherry flavored lips on mine is the best feeling ever. After two minutes we pull apart. Leaving me a panting blushing mess. "I see you still have the night light I gave you." He smirks. I swear his voice gives me anxiety. "You know I'd never ever discard it." I giggle a bit. "I think you look rather beautiful without your make up on." Roman compliments making me blush even more.

"Shut it dork." I say with a grin. "Well now I'm your dork if tat's okay." He says more of a statement than a question. "I'm sorry. I'm resigned to Patton." I joke. "WHAT?!" Roman yells almost falling off the bed. I laugh hard and gasp for air. "I was kidding." I say "D-don't joke like that-" He says and crosses his arms while looking away. "What? Would you be jealous??" I tease and wiggle my eye brows. 

"Shut it my chemically imbalanced Romance." Roman says as charming as usual. "Whatever." I chuckle.

We cuddle for a few minutes before I whisper, "I love you too." I bury me head into his chest and fall asleep.

Roman's P.O.V

Well I guess he won't be needing that night light if he has me as a the light of his life. I wrap my arms around his waist and smile, pulling him closer. And to think it all started with a night light. Well if it was a night light that started all of this then I guess I shall let him keep it.

I kiss him on the forehead softly and fall asleep.

(it's short but I tried. The next one will be longer. requests are open for every chapter. Thnx 4 reading! BUH BYE!)

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